Article 2


Article 4


Section I –Fees in respect of proceedings not otherwise specifically provided for in any subsequent section of this Schedule.
Section IIFees for specified proceedings within the equity and probate jurisdiction.
Section IIIFees to be taken in respect of proceedings under the Licensing (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 and the Registration of Clubs (Northern Ireland) Order 1996.
Section IVMiscellaneous fees relating to civil proceedings and matters.
Section V –Fees in respect of applications for small claims under Article 30(3) of the Order.
Section VIFees to be taken in respect of proceedings under the Criminal Injuries (Compensation) (Northern Ireland) Order 1988 (“the Criminal Injuries Order”) and the Criminal Damage (Compensation) (Northern Ireland) Order 1977 (“the Criminal Damage Order”).
Section VIIFees to be taken in respect of proceedings under the Family Law Act 1986.

SECTION IFees to apply in respect of proceedings not otherwise specifically provided for in any subsequent section of this Schedule

Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of FeeItemAmount of Fee
1On any affidavit ... ... ... ...No fee
2On an attendance of an officer to produce records (in addition to the officer’s expenses) for each day or part thereof ... ... ... ...£ 15·00
3On a bond or recognizance ... ... ... ...£ 6·00
4On a case stated ... ... ... ...£ 57·00
5On a certificate of taxation of costs ... ... ... ...£ 13·00
6On a certificate by a court officer (inclusive of search) ... ... ... ...£ 11·00
7On a civil bill, application or notice claiming (whether on foot of a contract or tort or by virtue of any enactment or otherwise) a sum of money or goods or chattels or any combination thereof of a value –
not exceeding £500 ... ... ... ...£104·00
exceeding £500 but not exceeding £2,000 ... ... ... ...£124·00
exceeding £2,000 ... ... ... ...£140·00
8On a civil bill in an ejectment action ... ... ... ...£118·00
9On any other civil bill ... ... ... ...£118·00
10On a third party notice ... ... ... ...the same fee as on the civil bill in the action
11On a counterclaim or set-off where the amount thereof –
does not exceed £500 ... ... ... ...£ 52·00
exceeding £500 but does not exceed £2,000 ... ... ... ...£ 62·00
exceeds £2,000 ... ... ... ...£ 70·00
12On a copy, including a photographic copy, of all or any part of any document filed or any record kept in the office (including comparison) –

(a)for five sheets or less ... ... ... ...

£ 6·00

(b)for each sheet thereafter ... ... ... ...

£ 0.30
13On a comparison of a document filed in the Office – per page ... ... ... ...£ 3·00
14On a decree, award, judgment, order or dismiss (other than an interlocutory order) ... ... ... ...£ 62·00
15On an interlocutory order, including an order for payment out of, or transfer or investment of, funds in court ... ... ... ...No fee
16On a Certificate of Readiness ... ... ... ...£ 29·00
17On a notice of appeal to a county court (not otherwise provided for) ... ... ... ...£ 45·00
18On a notice of application to the Judge for payment of funds out of court ... ... ... ...£ 6·00
19On any notice or other document in an application to the Accountant General for payment out or transfer of funds and securities in court ... ... ... ...No fee
20In any proceedings under the Adoption (Northern Ireland) Order 1987, under that Order as modified by the Parental Orders (Human Fertilisation and Embryology) Regulations 1994 or under section 30 of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 ... ... ... ...£ 45·00
21On a notice, petition, summons or other form of application (not otherwise provided for) initiating any proceedings ... ... ... ...£ 82·00
22On a notice of application for a review by the Judge ... ... ... ...£ 29·00
23On any notice of application, summons, notice of motion or other form of application to the Judge or to the District Judge (not otherwise exempted or specifically provided for) ... ... ... ...£ 34·00
24On a search or inspection ... ... ... ...£ 10·00
25On a witness summons ... ... ... ...£ 13·00
26On a certificate of application for discovery ... ... ... ...£108·00


In the application of item 7 to proceedings under the Judgments Enforcement (Northern Ireland) Order 1981 the fee on an Enforcement Civil Bill shall be the same as is payable on a civil bill for the amount claimed; and on a Committal Civil Bill shall be the same as for a civil bill for the amount of the instalment.

SECTION IIFees for specified proceedings within the equity and probate jurisdiction

Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of FeeItemAmount of Fee
1On a civil bill or petition, where the property or estate of the subject matter of the proceedings –

(a)either insofar as it consists of lands or premises does not exceed £300 in annual value or insofar as it consists of personalty does not exceed £500 in amount or value ... ... ... ...


(b)either insofar as it consists of lands or premises exceeds £300 in annual value or insofar as it consists of personalty exceeds £500 in amount or value ... ... ... ...

Provided that in the case of a mortgage suit or creditor’s administration suit where the amount claimed does not exceed £300 the fee on the civil bill shall be £74
2On a primary or final decree, order or dismiss ... ... ... ...£ 57·00
3On a decree or order not otherwise provided for (including an interlocutory order) ... ... ... ...£ 57·00
4On the taking of an account or the holding of an inquiry by an officer pursuant to an order of the Judge, for each hour or part thereof ... ... ... ...£ 62·00
5On the officer’s certificate thereof ... ... ... ...£ 14·00
6On an affidavit for the lodgment in court of a sum of money (fee to cover all necessary notices and certificates by the chief clerk) ... ... ... ...£ 57·00


The fees prescribed above at items 1 and 2 cover, in the case of a probate suit, the Certificate of Decree to be transmitted to the Probate Registry.

SECTION IIIFees to be taken in respect of proceedings under the Licensing (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 and the Registration of Clubs (Northern Ireland) Order 1996

Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of FeeItemAmount of Fee
1On a notice of application to the court in relation to a licence, including notice of application for a declaration under Article 10 of the Licensing (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 or for an order under Article 31 of that Order ... ... ... ...£216·00
2On a notice of an application under Article 44 ... ... ... ...£136·00
3On a notice of application to the court for the grant of registration of a club under Article 5 of the Registration of Clubs (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 ... ... ... ...£216·00
4Children’s certificate (under Article 59 of the Licensing (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 or Article 33 of the Registration of Clubs (Northern Ireland) Order 1996)£ 11·00

SECTION IVMiscellaneous fees relating to civil proceedings and matters

Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of FeeItemAmount of Fee
1On a certified copy of a decree, or a certificate in respect of a money provision, issued under Part V of Order 40 ... ... ... ...£ 34·00
This fee includes provision of the appropriate certificate in Forms 295-298
2On a search in papers deposited under Standing Orders of Parliament, for each hour or part thereof ... ... ... ...£ 11·00
3On an extract from papers so deposited – per page ... ... ... ...£ 3·00
4On an application for a warrant of arrest£11·00

SECTION VFees to apply in respect of applications for small claims under Article 30(3) of the Order

Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of FeeItemAmount of Fee
1On lodging an application in which the amount claimed, or the value of the specific chattels claimed –
does not exceed £150 ... ... ... ...£ 16·00
exceeds £150 but does not exceed £300 ... ... ... ...£ 36·00
exceeds £300 but does not exceed £500 ... ... ... ...£ 52·00
exceeds £500 ... ... ... ...£ 62·00
2On a counterclaim or set-off where the amount thereof –
does not exceed £150 ... ... ... ...£ 8·00
exceeds £150 but does not exceed £300 ... ... ... ...£ 18·00
exceeds £300 but does not exceed £500 ... ... ... ...£ 26·00
exceeds £500 ... ... ... ...£ 31·00
3On a notice of appeal under Article 30(4)(ab)£175·00

SECTION VIFees to be taken in respect of proceedings under the Criminal Injuries (Compensation) (Northern Ireland) Order 1988 (“the Criminal Injuries Order”) and the Criminal Damage (Compensation) (Northern Ireland) Order 1977 (“the Criminal Damage Order”)

Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of FeeItemAmount of Fee
1On a notice of appeal to a county court under Article 16 of the Criminal Injuries Order ... ... ... ...£125·00
2On a notice of application under Article 14 of the Criminal Injuries Order ... ... ... ...£ 29·00
3On a notice of appeal to a county court under Article 15 of the Criminal Damage Order£125·00

SECTION VIIFees to be taken in respect of proceedings under the Family Law Act 1986

Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of FeeItemAmount of Fee
1On an application under section 27 of the Family Law Act 1986 for the registration of a custody order£ 29·00