
In this Order –

  • “abortion” means any bovine foetus or calf born dead or which dies within 24 hours of birth;

  • “affected” in relation to any animal means affected with disease and includes a reactor;

  • “animal” means a bovine animal;

  • “approved disinfectant” means a disinfectant for the time being approved by the Department under the Diseases of Animals (Approval of Disinfectants) Order (Northern Ireland) 19723;

  • “carcase” means the carcase of an animal;

  • “the Directive” means Council Directive 64/432/EEC on animal health problems affecting intra-Community trade in bovine animals and swine4;

  • “disease” means brucellosis;

  • “Divisional Veterinary Office” means a Divisional Veterinary Office of the Department;

  • “herd” means –

    1. a

      an animal kept, or

    2. b

      a group of animals kept, managed or housed together,

    on a holding in such manner and under such conditions as will in the opinion of a veterinary inspector minimise the possibility of infection to any other animals whether kept on the same holding or another holding;

  • “holding” means any establishment, construction or, in the case of an open-air farm, place in which animals are held, kept or handled and includes land with or without buildings;

  • “keeper” means any natural or legal person responsible for animals whether on a permanent or temporary basis including during transportation or at a market and “herd keeper” shall be construed accordingly;

  • “livestock” means any creature kept for the production of food, wool, skin or fur or (excluding a dog) for use in the farming of land;

  • “market” means a market place, sale yard or other premises or place in or upon which animals are exhibited for the purpose of public sale;

  • “official test” has the meaning assigned to it by paragraph 1(2) of the Scheme;

  • “pedigree” means a pedigree animal registered in the herd book of the appropriate Breed Society;

  • “reactor” means an animal which has undergone an official test the result of which shall give the Department reason to believe that the animal is probably affected;

  • “the Scheme” means the Brucellosis (Examination and Testing) Scheme Order (Northern Ireland) 20045;

  • “steer” means a male animal which has been castrated;

  • “suspected” in relation to any animal means an animal suspected of being affected.