Sea Fishing (Enforcement of Community Quota and Third Country Fishing Measures) Order (Northern Ireland) 2004

Articles 2(1), 4(1), 4(2) and 5

SCHEDULE 2Specified Community Provisions Applicable to All Vessels in Relation to Catches of Herring, Mackerel and Horse Mackerel or a Combination of the Three Exceeding 10 Tonnes and Maximum Fines on Summary Conviction

Column 1Column 2Column 3
Provision of the Council RegulationSubject matterMaximum fine on summary conviction
Article 11 as read with:

(a)point 12.2 of Annex IV

Prohibitions on landing fish in ports other then those designated.£50,000

(b)point 12.4 of Annex IV

Requirement to give 4 hours prior notification, to the relevant authorities, of landing and catch details.£50,000

(c)point 12.4 of Annex IV

Prohibition on landing until authorised.£50,000

(d)point 12.5 of Annex IV

Requirement to submit logbook immediately upon arrival to port.£50,000

(e)point 12.5 of Annex IV

Requirement that catch details previously notified and recorded in the logbook shall be equal to that catch on board, subject to a permitted margin of tolerance of 7%.£50,000

(f)point 12.6 of Annex IV

Requirement on buyers of fresh fish to weigh all landings received, any deduction for water not to exceed 2%.£50,000

(g)point 12.6 of Annex IV

Requirement on buyers of fish to submit copies of invoices or VAT receipts on demand or within 48 hours of the completion of weighing.£50,000

(h)point 12.7 of Annex IV

Requirement on buyers or holders of frozen fish to weigh all landings.£50,000

(i)point 12.8 of Annex IV

Requirement on all buyers or holders of fish to weigh fish in the presence of a controller.£50,000