Statutory Rules of Northern Ireland

2005 No. 150


The Industrial Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005


22nd March 2005

Coming into operation

3rd April 2005

The Department for Employment and Learning(1), in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Article 26(1) of the Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978(2), Articles 3(1), 6(6)(3) and (6A)(4), 9(1), (2), (3)(5), (3ZA)(6), (3A)(7) and (5), 9A(1) and (2)(8), 11(1)(9), (2) and (4), 12(2), (5), (6) and (7), 12A(1)(10), 13(1), 14(2), 15(1), (1A), (1B), (1C)(11) and (2), 15A(12), 21(13) and 25(5) of the Industrial Tribunals (Northern Ireland) Order 1996(14), and now vested in it(15), and of all other powers enabling it in that behalf, hereby makes the following Regulations:


Formerly the Department of Higher and Further Education, Training and Employment; see 2001 c. 15 (N.I.)


S.I. 1978/1039 (N.I. 9); Article 26 was modified by S.I. 1984/1159 (N.I. 9), Schedule 4; its interpretation was modified by S.R. 2000 No. 87, regulation 2; S.R. 2000 No. 120, regulation 19; and 2002 c. 8 (N.I.), s. 1


Article 6(6) was amended by S.I. 1998/1265 (N.I. 8), Schedule 1, paragraph 16(3)


Article 6A was inserted by S.I. 1998/1265 (N.I. 8), Article 4(5)


Article 9(3)(f) was modified by S.I. 2003/2902 (N.I. 15), Article 3(1)


Article 9(3ZA) was inserted by S.I. 2003/2902 (N.I. 15), Article 4


Article 9(3A) was modified by S.I. 2003/2902 (N.I. 15), Article 5


Article 9A was inserted by S.I. 2003/2902 (N.I. 15), Article 6


Article 11(1)(a) was amended by S.I. 2003/2902 (N.I. 15), Article 7(2)


Article 12 was substituted and Article 12A inserted by S.I. 1999/2790 (N.I. 9), Schedule 8, paragraph 3


Article 15(1) was substituted by and Article 15(1A), (1B) and (1C) inserted by S.I. 2003/2902 (N.I. 15), Article 8(1)


Article 15A was inserted by S.I. 2003/2902 (N.I. 15), Article 8(2)


Article 21 was modified by S.I. 2003/2902 (N.I. 15), Article 3(3) and (4), paragraph 3 of Schedule 5 and Schedule 6