Panels of members of tribunals – general

4.—(1) There shall be three panels of members of industrial tribunals, namely –

(a)a panel of full-time and part-time chairmen appointed by the Department consisting of persons –

(i)having a seven year general qualification within the meaning of section 71 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990(1);

(ii)being an advocate or solicitor admitted in Scotland of at least seven years' standing; or

(iii)being a member of the Bar of Northern Ireland or solicitor of the Supreme Court of Northern Ireland of at least seven years' standing;

(b)a panel of persons appointed by the Department after consultation with such organisations or associations of organisations representative of employees as it sees fit; and

(c)a panel of persons appointed by the Department after consultation with such organisations or associations of organisations representative of employers as it sees fit.

(2) Members of the panels constituted under these Regulations shall hold and vacate office under the terms of the instrument under which they are appointed but may resign their office by notice in writing to the Department; and any such member who ceases to hold office shall be eligible for reappointment.

(3) The President or the Vice-President may establish further specialist panels of chairmen and persons referred to in paragraph (1)(b) and (c) and may select persons from such specialist panels in order to deal with proceedings in which particular specialist knowledge would be beneficial.