The Nursing Homes Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005

Further requirements as to health and welfare

14.—(1) The registered person shall make arrangements for patients –

(a)to be registered with a general practitioner of their choice; and

(b)to receive where necessary, treatment, advice and other services from any health care professional and/or social care worker.

(2) The registered person shall ensure as far as reasonably practicable that –

(a)all parts of the home to which patients have access are free from hazards to their safety;

(b)any activities in which patients participate are free from avoidable risks; and

(c)unnecessary risks to the health or safety of patients are identified and so far as possible eliminated; and

(d)shall make suitable arrangements for the training of persons employed in first aid.

(3) The registered person shall make suitable arrangements to provide a safe system for moving and handling patients.

(4) The registered person shall make arrangements, by training staff or by other measures, to prevent patients being harmed or suffering abuse or being placed at risk of harm or abuse.

(5) The registered person shall ensure that no patient is subject to restraint unless restraint of the kind employed is the only practicable means of securing the welfare of that or any other patient and there are exceptional circumstances.

(6) On any occasion on which a patient is subject to restraint, the registered person shall record the circumstances, including the nature of the restraint. These details should also be reported to the Regulation and Improvement Authority as soon as is practicable.