
Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Rules.)

These Rules amend the Magistrates' Courts Rules (Northern Ireland) Rules 1984 (“the principal Rules”) to prescribe the procedure relating to –

Rule 2(2) inserts a new Rule 149AR, which prescribes the procedure to be followed on an application to:

New Rule 149AR(9) provides that the defendant may waive service of any application or notice. The court may also allow a notice or application to be given in a different form or orally, and may abridge or extend any of the time limits (new Rule 149AR(10)).

Rule 2(2) also inserts a new Rule 149AS, which prescribes the procedure to be followed on an application to:

New Rule 149AS(7) provides that a party may waive service of any application or notice.

New Rule 149AS(8) provides that the court may dispense with the requirement to give notice, may allow a notice or application to be given in a different form or orally and may abridge or extend any of the time limits for service of a notice under new Rule 149AS.

Rule 2(3) amends Schedule 1 to the principal Rules by inserting new Forms 88A to 88F for use in connection with applications prescribed by these Rules.