In Schedules 1 to 5 and this Schedule –

“arable land” means land on which cereal or other arable crops are grown;

“archaeological features” means all extant historical and archaeological sites which have been identified by the Department of the Environment in the Sites and Monuments Record;

“Area of Special Scientific Interest” means an area of land declared to be an area of special scientific interest under Part IV of the Nature Conservation and Amenity Lands (Northern Ireland) Order 1985(1);

“bat box” means a box for bats to replace the natural location lost through changes in farming practice;

“breeding wader sites” means sites used by breeding waders;

“broadleaved farm woodland” means vegetation dominated by a minimum of 50% cover broadleaf native trees, containing a minimum of 80% native species;

“closed grazing period” means a time period when grazing of livestock is not permitted by or under any statutory provisions;

“fallow plot” means a plot of arable ground that is ploughed in spring or autumn and not sown with any crop;

“fen” means an area which is waterlogged and flooded in the winter and remains damp in the summer with a vegetation characterised by the absence of terrestrial plants;

“field boundaries” means hedgerows, sod banks, or dry stone walls and associated features;

“grass margin” means a strip of unfertilised land between 2 and 25 metres wide adjacent to an Area of Special Scientific Interest, National Nature Reserve, Natura 2000 site, watercourse or woodland or between 2 and 6 metres wide adjacent to a field boundary;

“habitat” means the normal abode or locality of animals or plants;

“heather moorland” means land supporting at least 5% cover of heather, bell heather, cross-leafed heath, bilberry and western gorse;

“heritage feature” includes rural features of historical interest;

“improved land” means grassland on which more than 25% of the sward is comprised of rye-grass, timothy, red-fescue or white clover and any land used for arable crops;

“large nest box” means a nest box with a floor area of approximately 203mm x 165mm for birds to replace the natural location lost through changes in farming practice;

“lowland raised bog” means intact or cut-over dome shaped peatland;

“management plan” means a set of prescriptions for the management of field boundaries, farm wastes and habitats;

“moorland” means land with predominantly semi-natural upland vegetation, or comprising predominantly rock outcrops and semi-natural upland vegetation;

“National Nature Reserve” means land declared to be a national nature reserve under Article 18 of the Nature Conservation and Amenity Lands (Northern Ireland) Order 1985;

“Natura 2000 site” means an area designated as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) under Council Directive 92/43/EEC(2) or as a Special Protection Area (SPA) under Council Directive 74/409/EEC(3);

“parkland” means an enclosed area of land at least 3 hectares in extent with a minimum of two mature trees per hectare;

“protective fencing” means a woven wire or line wire fence, completed to at least BS1722 standards;

“red squirrel feeder” means a hopper feeder that enables squirrels to reach food by utilising the weight difference between adult red and grey squirrels;

“reed bed” means a wetland dominated by stands of the common reed where reed cover is greater than 75%;

“restricted grazing period” means a time of year when limits to stocking levels apply;

“rough grass field margin” means land forming a strip with a minimum width of 2 metres around arable fields in which cereal or arable crops are being grown and on which a suitable grass mixture is sown;

“rough moorland grazing” means coarse grassland vegetation comprising wholly or mainly mat-grass, purple moor-grass, cotton-grasses, wavy hair grass and sedges;

“scrape” means a shallow depression temporarily or permanently holding water created for the benefit of breeding waders;

“semi-natural grassland” means grassland characterised by sward of low productivity grasses, sedges or rushes and a high cover of herbaceous plants;

“the Sites and Monuments Records” means the information system maintained by the Department of the Environment holding all known archaeological and historical sites from 7000 BC onwards;

“small nest box” means a nest box with a floor area of approximately 120mm x 150mm for birds to replace the natural location lost through changes in farming practice;

“species rich grassland” means grassland with a sward of low productivity grasses and a high cover of herbaceous indicator plants;

“species rich hay meadows” means species rich grassland used for the production of hay;

“swamp” means a wet area with vegetation growing permanently in standing water;

“traditional orchard” means an orchard planted with traditional varieties and no greater than 0.4 hectares;

“undersown cereals” means a spring cereal crop sown with a green cover crop such as ryegrass;

“unimproved land” means grassland containing less than 25% rye grass, timothy, red fescue or white clover;

“whole farm payment” means a payment per hectare relating to the whole area of land under agreement;

“wild bird cover crop” means a crop mixture which is not normally used for agricultural production and where the individual components cannot be harvested separately;

“winter feeding sites for migratory swans and geese” means fields of grassland or winter cereals or arable crops which have been regularly used for winter grazing by a minimum of 25 swans or geese (except Canada goose and feral Greylag goose) for at least three of the previous five winters.


O.J. No. L206, 22.7.92, p. 7


O.J. No. L103, 25.4.79, p. 1