
Regulation 8(d)


PART 1requirements for all personal fall protection systems

1.  A personal fall protection system shall be used only if –

(a)a risk assessment has demonstrated that –

(i)the work can so far as is reasonably practicable be performed safely while using that system; and

(ii)the use of other, safer work equipment is not reasonably practicable; and

(b)the user and a sufficient number of available persons have received adequate training specific to the operations envisaged, including rescue procedures.

2.  A personal fall protection system shall –

(a)be suitable and of sufficient strength for the purposes for which it is being used having regard to the work being carried out and any foreseeable loading;

(b)where necessary, fit the user;

(c)be correctly fitted;

(d)be designed to minimise injury to the user and, where necessary, be adjusted to prevent the user falling or slipping from it, should a fall occur; and

(e)be so designed, installed and used as to prevent unplanned or uncontrolled movement of the user.

3.  A personal fall protection system designed for use with an anchor shall be securely attached to at least one anchor, and each anchor and the means of attachment thereto shall be suitable and of sufficient strength and stability for the purpose of supporting any foreseeable loading.

4.  Suitable and sufficient steps shall be taken to prevent any person falling or slipping from a personal fall protection system.

PART 2additional requirements for work positioning systems

A work positioning system shall be used only if either –

(a)the system includes a suitable backup system for preventing or arresting a fall; and

(b)where the system includes a line as a backup system, the user is connected to it; or

(c)where it is not reasonably practicable to comply with sub-paragraph (a), all practicable measures are taken to ensure that the work positioning system does not fail.

PART 3additional requirements for rope access and positioning techniques

1.  A rope access or positioning technique shall be used only if –

(a)subject to paragraph 3, it involves a system comprising at least two separately anchored lines, of which one (“the working line”) is used as a means of access, egress and support and the other is the safety line;

(b)the user is provided with a suitable harness and is connected by it to the working line and the safety line;

(c)the working line is equipped with safe means of ascent and descent and has a self-locking system to prevent the user falling should he lose control of his movements; and

(d)the safety line is equipped with a mobile fall protection system which is connected to and travels with the user of the system.

2.  Taking the risk assessment into account and depending in particular on the duration of the job and the ergonomic constraints, provision must be made for a seat with appropriate accessories.

3.  The system may comprise a single rope where –

(a)a risk assessment has demonstrated that the use of a second line would entail higher risk to persons; and

(b)appropriate measures have been taken to ensure safety.

PART 4additional requirements for fall arrest systems

1.  A fall arrest system shall incorporate a suitable means of absorbing energy and limiting the forces applied to the user’s body.

2.  A fall arrest system shall not be used in a manner –

(a)which involves the risk of a line being cut;

(b)where its safe use requires a clear zone (allowing for any pendulum effect), which does not afford such zone; or

(c)which otherwise inhibits its performance or renders its use unsafe.

PART 5additional requirements for work restraint systems

A work restraint system shall –

(a)be so designed that, if used correctly, it prevents the user from getting into a position in which a fall can occur; and

(b)be used correctly.