Admissibility in evidence of logbooks and other documents

31.—(1) Any –

(a)logbook kept under Article 6, 17(2) or 28c;

(b)declaration submitted under Article 8(1), 17(2) or 28f;

(c)effort report completed under Article 19b and 19c;

(d)document drawn up under Article 9, 11, 12 or 13; or

(e)document containing required information received by a fisheries monitoring centre established under Article 3(7),

of Regulation 2847/93 shall, in any proceedings for an offence under this Order or any equivalent provision, be evidence of the matters stated therein and so shall any additional entry in a logbook made pursuant to this Order or any equivalent provision.

(2) For the purpose of paragraph (1), “required information” means –

(a)a fishing boat’s identification;

(b)the most recent geographical position of the fishing boat expressed in degrees and minutes of longitude and latitude; and

(c)the date and time of the fixing of that position,

as communicated via a satellite-based vessel monitoring system established under Article 3(1) of Regulation 2847/93.