Duties on consignees

11.—(1) A person shall not accept a consignment of animals or animal products (other than registered horses accompanied by identification documentation provided for by Council Directive 90/427/EEC (on the zootechnical and genealogical conditions governing intra-Community trade in equidae)(1)) unless the importer or consignee has given to the local Divisional Veterinary Office of the Department for the place of destination of the consignment at least 24 hours written notice in advance of the nature of the consignment, its anticipated date of arrival and the address of the place of destination.

(2) A consignee shall retain all documentation sent to him with any consignment in accordance with these Regulations for 12 months from the date of delivery to him of the consignment.


O.J. No. L224, 1.8.90, p. 55, as amended by and as read with the provisions listed in paragraph 15 of Part I of Schedule 2