SCHEDULE 1(Accuracy Classes for Catchweighing Instruments)
Instruments designated Class Y(a) and Y(b)
An instrument which is made in accordance with an approved pattern and which is marked Y(a) is a Class Y(a) instrument. The specifications for a Class Y(a) instrument are as follows—
Lower limit of the Minimum capacity “Min”: | 20 e |
Number of scale intervals: | ≤10,000 |
An instrument which is made in accordance with an approved pattern and which is marked Y(b) is a Class Y(b) instrument. The specifications for a Class Y(b) instrument are as follows—
Lower limit of the Minimum capacity “Min”: | 10 e |
Number of scale intervals: | ≤1,000 |
SCHEDULE 2(Manner of Erection and Installation)
Installation (Principle from Clause 5.3.1 of OIML R51)
The installation of an automatic catchweighing instrument shall be so designed that an automatic weighing operation will be the same whether for the purposes of testing or for use for a transaction.
Cleaning and testing
Every automatic catchweighing instrument shall be positioned so as to facilitate cleaning and testing.
Dynamic setting (Extract from Clause 3.2.3 of OIML R51)
Instruments with dynamic setting shall have a facility for any access to dynamic setting to be automatically and non-erasably recorded.
SCHEDULE 3(Requirements in respect of Use and Manner of Use)
Maximum and minimum capacities (Extract from Clause 2.4 of OIML R51)
Maximum capacity (Max) and minimum capacity (Min) shall be specified by the manufacturer.
The minimum capacity shall not be less than:
for class Y(a): | 20 e |
for class Y(b): | 10 e |
for postal scales: | 5 e |
Temperature (Principle from Clause 2.9.1 of OIML R51)
Instruments shall comply with the appropriate metrological and technical requirements at temperatures from –10°C to +40°C. However, for special applications the limits of the temperature range may differ from those given above but such a range shall not be less than 30°C and shall be specified in the descriptive markings.
Where an automatic catchweighing instrument is marked with a temperature range it shall not be used for trade in temperatures outside that range.
Tilting (Principle from Clause 2.9.3 of OIML R51)
Instruments which are not intended for installation in a fixed position and which do not have a level indicator shall comply with the appropriate metrological and technical requirements when tilted by 5%.
Where an automatic catchweighing instrument is fitted with a level indicating device it shall enable the instrument to be set to a tilt of 1% or less.
Specified purpose or manner of use
Where an automatic catchweighing instrument is marked (in accordance with Schedule 4) with a mark which signifies the purpose or manner of use, it shall not be used for a purpose or in a manner which does not accord with that marking.
Instruments of Class Y(b) shall only be used for weighing ballast or waste or other goods in accordance with the particulars of the approved pattern.
Definition of waste
Zero-setting device (Extract from Clause 3.3.1 of OIML R51)
An automatic zero-setting device shall operate:
only when the stability criteria are fulfilled
sufficiently often to ensure that the zero is maintained within 0.5 e.
A non-automatic zero-setting device shall not be operable during automatic operation.
A semi-automatic zero-setting device shall function only when the stability criteria are fulfilled.
Zero-tracking device (Extract from Clause 3.3.2 of OIML R51)
A zero-tracking device shall operate only when:
the indication is at zero, or at a negative net value equivalent to gross zero, and
the stability criteria are fulfilled, and
the corrections are not more than 0.5 e/second.
Tare device (Extract from Clause 3.3.3 of OIML R51)
A semi-automatic or automatic tare device shall operate only when the stability criteria are fulfilled.
A non-automatic or semi-automatic tare device shall not be operable during automatic operation.
Suitability for use (Extract from Clause 3.1 of OIML R51)
An instrument shall be designed to suit the method of operation and the loads for which it is intended. It shall be of adequately robust construction in order that it maintains its metrological characteristics.
Minimum capacity (Extract from Clause 3.5 of OIML R51)
Printing a weighing result below minimum capacity shall not be possible.
Maximum capacity (Extract from Clause 3.4.3 of OIML R51)
There shall be no indication above Max + 9 e.
Rate of operation
An automatic catchweighing instrument shall not be used above the maximum rate of operation.
SCHEDULE 4(Descriptive Markings and Verification Marks: Principles from Part 1 of OIML R51 and Additional Descriptive Marking)
Descriptive markings
Instruments shall bear the following markings.
Markings shown in full
name or identification mark of the manufacturer
name or identification mark of the importer (if applicable)
serial number and type designation of the instrument
maximum rate of operation (if applicable) in the form: … loads per minute
maximum speed of load transport system (if applicable) in the form: … m/s
electrical supply voltage in the form: … V
electrical supply frequency in the form: … Hz
working fluid pressure (if applicable) in the form: … kPa
adjustment range referred to set point (if applicable) in the form: ± … g or % (of set point value)
Markings shown in code
• pattern approval sign | |
• indication of the class of accuracy Y(y) | |
• verification scale interval in the form: | e = … |
• actual scale interval in the form: | d = … |
• maximum capacity in the form: | Max = … |
• minimum capacity in the form: | Min = … |
• maximum tare additive in the form: | T = + … |
• maximum tare subtractive in the form: | T = − … |
Supplementary markings
Depending upon the particular use of the instrument, supplementary markings may be required on pattern approval by the metrological authority issuing the pattern approval certificate, (e.g. temperature range.)
Additional markings may be required on initial verification to specify types of packs and related weighing conditions.
Presentation of descriptive markings
Descriptive markings shall be indelible and of a size, shape and clarity that permit legibility under normal conditions of use.
They shall be grouped together in a clearly visible place on the instrument, either on a descriptive plate fixed near the indicating device or on the indicating device itself. It shall be possible to seal the plate bearing the markings, unless it cannot be removed without being destroyed.
The descriptive markings may be shown on a programmable display which is controlled by software. In this case, means shall be provided for any access to reprogramming of the markings to be automatically and non-erasably recorded, e.g. by traceable access software. When a programmable display is used, the plate of the instrument shall bear at least the following markings:
type and designation of the instrument
name or identification mark of the manufacturer
pattern approval number
electrical supply voltage
electrical supply frequency
pneumatic pressure.
Verification marks
Instruments shall have a place for the application of verification marks. This place shall:
be such that the part on which it is located cannot be removed from the instrument without damaging the marks
allow easy application of the mark without changing the metrological qualities of the instrument
be visible without the instrument or its protective covers having to be moved when it is in service.
Instruments required to bear verification marks shall have a verification mark support, at the place provided for above, which shall ensure the conservation of the marks.
When the mark is made with a stamp the support may consist of a strip of lead or any other material with similar qualities, inserted into a plate fixed to the instrument, or in a cavity bored in the instrument.
Additional Descriptive Marking
Automatic catchweighing instruments shall bear the additional descriptive marking “R51” which shall be presented in accordance with the provisions of clause 3.9.2 of Part 1 of OIML R51.
SCHEDULE 5(Prescribed Limits of Error)
Maximum permissible errors for class Y(y) instruments
(Principle from Clause 2.3 of OIML R51)
The maximum permissible error for any load equal to or greater than the minimum capacity (Min) and equal to or less than the maximum capacity (Max) in automatic operation shall be as specified in Table 1. (Note that the mpe-value includes the digital rounding error of the indicating device.)
Load (m) expressed in verification scale intervals (e) | Maximum permissible error for class Y(y) instruments | ||
Class Y(a) | Class Y(b) | Initial verification | In-service |
0 <m ≤ 500 | 0 <m ≤50 | ±1.5 e | ±2 e |
500 <m ≤ 2,000 | 50 <m ≤ 200 | ±2 e | ±3 e |
2,000 <m ≤ 10,000 | 200 <m ≤ 1,000 | ±2.5 e | ±4 e |
(Principle from Clause 2.5.2 of OIML R51)
The maximum permissible error for any load equal to or greater than the minimum capacity (Min) and equal to or less than the maximum capacity (Max) for static weighing in non-automatic operation shall be as specified in Table 2.
Load (m) expressed in verification scale intervals (e) | Maximum permissible error for class Y(y) instruments | ||
Class Y(a) | Class Y(b) | Initial verification | In-service |
0 <m ≤ 500 | 0 <m ≤ 50 | ±0.5 e | ±1 e |
500 <m ≤ 2,000 | 50 <m ≤ 200 | ±1 e | ±2 e |
2,000 <m ≤ 10,000 | 200 <m ≤ 1,000 | ±1.5 e | ±3 e |