

Citation and commencement

1.  These Regulations may be cited as The Zebra, Pelican and Puffin Pedestrian Crossings Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 and shall come into operation on 9th May 2006.


2.  In these Regulations—

“the 1997 Regulations” means the Traffic Signs Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997(1);

“bus” has the meaning assigned to it by regulation 20(2) of the 1997 Regulations;

“carriageway” means a way constituted or comprised in a road being a way over which the public have a right of way for the passage of vehicles, but does not include a central reservation (whether within the limits of a crossing or not);

“central reservation” means—


in relation to a road comprising a single carriageway, any provision (including a pedestrian refuge) which separates one part of the carriageway from another part;


in relation to a road which comprises two or more carriageways any land or permanent work which separates those carriageways from one another;

“controlled area” means a Zebra controlled area, a Pelican controlled area or a Puffin controlled area;

“crossing” means a Zebra crossing, a Pelican crossing or a Puffin crossing;

“driver” in relation to a pedal cycle, means the person riding it who is in control of it;

“give-way line” means a road marking placed adjacent to a Zebra crossing in accordance with regulation 5(1) and paragraph 13 of Part II of Schedule 1;

“indicator for pedestrians” means the sign prescribed for the purposes of a Pelican crossing by regulation 4(2)(a) and paragraphs 2(1)(c) and 5 of Part I of Schedule 2 and shown in diagram 4003A in Schedule 9 to the 1997 Regulations;

“one-way street” means a road on which the driving of vehicles otherwise than in one particular direction is prohibited;

“pedal cycle” has the meaning assigned to it by regulation 2 of the 1997 Regulations;

“pedestrian demand unit” means the sign prescribed for the purposes of a Puffin crossing by regulation 4(3)(a) and paragraphs 1(1)(b) and 3 of Schedule 3 and shown in diagram 4003.1 in Schedule 9 to the 1997 Regulations;

“pedestrian light signals” means the sign prescribed for the purposes of a Pelican crossing by regulation 4(2)(a) and paragraphs 2(1)(b) and 4 of Part I of Schedule 2 and shown in diagram 4002 in Schedule 9 to the 1997 Regulations;

“pedestrian refuge” has the meaning assigned to it by regulation 46(2) of the 1997 Regulations;

“Pelican controlled area” means an area of carriageway in the vicinity of a Pelican crossing the limits of which are indicated in accordance with regulation 5(2) and Schedule 4;

“Pelican crossing” means a pedestrian crossing—


at which there are signs of the size, colour and type prescribed by regulation 4(2)(a) and Part I of Schedule 2;


the limits of which are indicated in accordance with regulation 4(2)(b) and Schedule 4;

“primary signals” means light signals so placed as to face vehicular traffic approaching a Pelican crossing or a Puffin crossing and placed beyond the stop line and in front of the line of studs nearest the stop line indicating the limits of the crossing in accordance with regulation 5(3) and Schedule 4;

“Puffin controlled area” means an area of carriageway in the vicinity of a Puffin crossing the limits of which are indicated in accordance with regulation 5(2) and Schedule 4;

“Puffin crossing” means a pedestrian crossing—


at which there are signs of the size, colour and type prescribed by regulation 4(3)(a) and Schedule 3;


the limits of which are indicated in accordance with regulation 4(3)(b) and Schedule 4;

“retroreflecting material” has the meaning assigned to it by regulation 2 of the 1997 Regulations;

“road marking” has the meaning assigned to it by regulation 2 of the 1997 Regulations;

“sign” has the meaning assigned to it by regulation 2 of the 1997 Regulations;

“stop line” means, in relation to a vehicle approaching a Pelican crossing or a Puffin crossing the transverse continuous white line (indicated in accordance with regulation 5(3) and Schedule 4 and parallel to the limits of the crossing) which is on the same side of the crossing as the vehicle;

“stud” has the meaning assigned to it by regulation 2 of the 1997 Regulations;

“system of staggered crossings” means two or more Pelican crossings or two or more Puffin crossings provided on a road on which there is a central reservation and where—


there is one crossing on each side of the central reservation; and


taken together the two crossings do not form a straight line across the road;

“two-way street” means a road which is not a one-way street;

“vehicular light signals” means, in relation to a Pelican crossing or a Puffin crossing, the sign prescribed (in the case of a Pelican crossing) by regulation 4(2)(a) and paragraphs 2(1)(a) and 3 of Part I of Schedule 2 or (in the case of a Puffin crossing) by regulation 4(3)(a) and paragraphs 1(1)(a) and 2 of Schedule 3 and shown in diagram 3000 in Schedule 8 to the 1997 Regulations;

“Zebra controlled area” means an area of carriageway in the vicinity of a Zebra crossing the limits of which are indicated in accordance with regulation 5(1) and Part II of Schedule 1; and

“Zebra crossing” means a pedestrian crossing—


at which there are signs of the size, colour and type prescribed by regulation 4(1)(a) and Part I of Schedule 1;


the limits of which are indicated in accordance with regulation 4(1)(b) and Part II of Schedule 1.

Authorisations by the Department

3.  Nothing in these Regulations shall be taken to limit the power of the Department under Article 28(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 to authorise the erection or retention of signs of a character not prescribed by these Regulations.


Signs and road markings for indicating crossings

4.—(1) A Zebra crossing shall be indicated by—

(a)the placing at or near the crossing of signs of the size, colour and type specified in Part I of Schedule 1; and

(b)the placing on the carriageway to indicate the limits of the crossing of road markings of the size, colour and type specified in Part II of Schedule 1.

(2) A Pelican crossing shall be indicated by—

(a)the placing at or near the crossing of signs of the size, colour and type specified in Part I of Schedule 2; and

(b)the placing on the carriageway to indicate the limits of the crossing of road markings of the size, colour and type specified in Schedule 4.

(3) A Puffin crossing shall be indicated by—

(a)the placing at or near the crossing of signs of the size, colour and type specified in Schedule 3; and

(b)the placing on the carriageway to indicate the limits of the crossing of road markings of the size, colour and type specified in Schedule 4.

Give-way and stop lines and controlled areas

5.—(1) On each side of a Zebra crossing there shall be laid out a Zebra controlled area (including a give-way line) indicated by road markings of the size, colour and type, and generally in the manner, specified in Part II of Schedule 1.

(2) On each side of a Pelican crossing or a Puffin crossing, there shall be laid out a Pelican controlled area or a Puffin controlled area indicated by road markings of the size, colour and type, and generally in the manner, specified in Schedule 4.

(3) A stop line of the size, colour and type specified in Schedule 4 shall be placed next to a Pelican crossing or a Puffin crossing in the manner specified in that Schedule.


6.—(1) Dimensions indicated on any diagram shown in Schedule 1 or Schedule 4 are expressed in millimetres.

(2) A dimension (other than one specified as a maximum or minimum dimension) specified in any diagram in Schedule 1 or Schedule 4 may be varied if, in the case of a dimension of the length specified in column (2) of the item in the Table, the variation does not exceed the extent specified in column (3) of the item.


ItemLength of dimensionExtent of variation
1.300 mm or more

(i)20% of the dimension where the varied dimension is greater than the specified dimension; or

(ii)10% of the dimension where the varied dimension is less than the specified dimension

2.Less than 300 mm

(i)30% of the dimension where the varied dimension is greater than the specified dimension; or

(ii)10% of the dimension where the varied dimension is less than the specified dimension

(3) Where maximum and minimum dimensions are specified for any element of a sign or road marking, the dimensions chosen for that element shall not be less than the minimum and shall not exceed the maximum.

(4) Where any diagram in Schedule 4 specifies a dimension for an element of a sign or road marking together with a dimension for that element in brackets, the dimensions so specified shall be alternatives.

(5) A dimension specified in the 1997 Regulations in relation to a sign prescribed by those Regulations and referred to in these Regulations may be varied to the extent permitted by those Regulations.

Additional equipment

7.  The Department may provide at, or fix to any sign or post placed for the purposes of, a crossing in accordance with these Regulations any object, device, apparatus or equipment—

(a)in connection with the proper operation of the crossing; or

(b)which it considers appropriate for giving information or assistance to disabled persons wishing to use the crossing.

Additional signs

8.  The Department may provide at or near a crossing, in addition to the signs prescribed by regulation 4, a sign shown in diagram 610, 611, 612, 613 or 616 in Schedule 2 to the 1997 Regulations or diagram 810 in Schedule 4 to the 1997 Regulations, or the road marking shown in diagram 1029 or the white triangular markings included in the road marking shown in diagram 1061 in Schedule 6 to the 1997 Regulations.

Non-compliance with the requirements of this Part

9.—(1) Where, as respects a crossing or controlled area, the requirements of this Part as to the placing of signs and road markings to indicate the crossing or controlled area have not been complied with in every respect, the crossing or, as the case may be, the controlled area shall nevertheless be treated as complying with these Regulations if the non-compliance—

(a)is not such as materially to affect the general appearance of the crossing or the controlled area;

(b)does not, in the case of a Pelican crossing or a Puffin crossing, affect the proper operation of the vehicular and pedestrian light signals at the crossing; and

(c)does not relate to the size of the controlled area.

(2) Nothing in any other provision of these Regulations shall be taken to restrict the generality of paragraph (1).


Significance of vehicular light signals at Pelican crossings

10.—(1) The significance of the vehicular light signals prescribed by regulation 4(2)(a) and paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 2 for the purpose of indicating a Pelican crossing shall be as follows—

(a)the green signal shall indicate that vehicular traffic may proceed beyond the stop line and through the crossing;

(b)the green arrow signal shall indicate that vehicular traffic may proceed beyond the stop line and through the crossing only for the purpose of proceeding in the direction as indicated by the arrow;

(c)except as provided by sub-paragraph (e), the steady amber signal shall convey the same prohibition as the red signal, except that, as respects a vehicle which is so close to the stop line that it cannot safely be stopped without proceeding beyond the stop line, it shall convey the same indication as the green signal or, if the amber signal was immediately preceded by the green arrow signal, as that green arrow signal;

(d)except as provided by sub-paragraph (e), the red signal shall convey the prohibition that vehicular traffic shall not proceed beyond the stop line;

(e)when a vehicle is being used for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes and the observance of the prohibition conveyed by the steady amber or the red signal in accordance with sub-paragraph (c) or (d) would be likely to hinder the use of that vehicle for the purpose for which it is being used, then those sub-paragraphs shall not apply to the vehicle, and the steady amber and the red signal shall each convey the information that the vehicle may proceed beyond the stop line if the driver—

(i)accords precedence to any pedestrian who is on that part of the carriageway which lies within the limits of the crossing or on a central reservation which lies between two crossings which do not form part of a system of staggered crossings; and

(ii)does not proceed in such a manner or at such a time likely to endanger any person or any vehicle approaching or waiting at the crossing, or to cause the driver of any such vehicle to change its speed or course in order to avoid an accident; and

(f)the flashing amber signal shall convey the information that vehicular traffic may proceed through the crossing but that every pedestrian who is on the carriageway or a central reservation within the limits of a crossing (but not if he is on a central reservation which lies between two crossings forming part of a system of staggered crossings) before any part of the vehicle has entered those limits, has the right of precedence within those limits over that vehicle, and the requirement that the driver of a vehicle shall accord such precedence to any such pedestrian.

(2) Vehicular traffic proceeding beyond a stop line in accordance with paragraph (1) shall proceed with due regard to the safety of other road users and subject to any direction given by a constable in uniform or by a traffic warden or to any other applicable prohibition or restriction.

(3) In this regulation, references to the “stop line” in relation to a Pelican crossing where the stop line is not visible shall be treated as references to the post or other structure on which the primary signals are mounted.

Significance of vehicular light signals at Puffin crossings

11.—(1) The significance of the vehicular light signals prescribed by regulation 4(3)(a) and paragraph 2 of Schedule 3 for the purpose of indicating a Puffin crossing shall be as follows—

(a)the green signal shall indicate that vehicular traffic may proceed beyond the stop line and through the crossing;

(b)the green arrow signal shall indicate that vehicular traffic may proceed beyond the stop line and through the crossing only for the purpose of proceeding in the direction as indicated by the arrow;

(c)except as provided by sub-paragraph (f), the amber signal shall, when shown alone, convey the same prohibition as the red signal, except that, as respects a vehicle which is so close to the stop line that it cannot safely be stopped without proceeding beyond the stop line, it shall convey the same indication as the green signal or, if the amber signal was immediately preceded by the green arrow signal, as that green arrow signal;

(d)except as provided by sub-paragraph (f), the red signal shall convey the prohibition that vehicular traffic shall not proceed beyond the stop line;

(e)except as provided by sub-paragraph (f), the red-with-amber signal shall denote an impending change to green in the indication given by the signals but shall convey the same prohibition as the red signal;

(f)when a vehicle is being used for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes and the observance of the prohibition conveyed by the amber, red or red-with-amber signal in accordance with sub-paragraph (c), (d) or (e) would be likely to hinder the use of that vehicle for the purpose for which it is being used, then those sub-paragraphs shall not apply to the vehicle, and the amber, red or red-with-amber signal shall each convey the information that the vehicle may proceed beyond the stop line if the driver—

(i)accords precedence to any pedestrian who is on that part of the carriageway which lies within the limits of the crossing or on a central reservation which lies between two crossings which do not form part of a system of staggered crossings; and

(ii)does not proceed in such a manner or at such a time likely to endanger any person or any vehicle approaching or waiting at the crossing, or to cause the driver of any such vehicle to change its speed or course in order to avoid an accident.

(2) Vehicular traffic proceeding beyond a stop line in accordance with paragraph (1) shall proceed with due regard to the safety of other road users and subject to any direction given by a constable in uniform or by a traffic warden or to any other applicable prohibition or restriction.

(3) In this regulation, references to the “stop line” in relation to a Puffin crossing where the stop line is not visible shall be treated as references to the post or other structure on which the primary signals are mounted.

Significance of give-way lines at Zebra crossings

12.  A give-way line included in the markings placed pursuant to regulation 4(1)(b) and Part II of Schedule 1 shall convey to vehicular traffic proceeding through a Zebra crossing the position at or before which a vehicle should be stopped for the purpose of complying with regulation 21 (Precedence of pedestrians over vehicles at Zebra crossings).

Significance of pedestrian light signals and figures on pedestrian demand units

13.—(1) The significance of the red and steady green pedestrian light signals whilst they are illuminated at a Pelican crossing and of the red and green figures on a pedestrian demand unit whilst they are illuminated at a Puffin crossing shall be as follows—

(a)the red pedestrian light signal and the red figure shall both convey to a pedestrian the warning that, in the interests of safety, he should not cross the carriageway; and

(b)the steady green pedestrian light signal and the steady green figure shall both convey to a pedestrian that he may cross the carriageway and that drivers may not cause vehicles to enter the limits of the crossing.

(2) The flashing green pedestrian light signal at a Pelican crossing shall convey—

(a)to a pedestrian who is already on the crossing when the flashing green signal is first shown the information that he may continue to use the crossing and that, if he is on the carriageway or a central reservation within the limits of that crossing (but not if he is on a central reservation which lies between two crossings which form part of a system of staggered crossings) before any part of a vehicle has entered those limits, he has precedence over that vehicle within those limits; and

(b)to a pedestrian who is not already on the crossing when the flashing green light is first shown the warning that he should not, in the interests of safety, start to cross the carriageway.

(3) Any audible signal emitted by any device for emitting audible signals provided in conjunction with the steady green pedestrian light signal or the green figure, and any tactile signal made by any device for making tactile signals similarly provided, shall convey to a pedestrian the same indication as the steady green pedestrian light signal or as the green figure as the case may be.

Significance of indicators for pedestrians at Pelican crossings

14.  The word “WAIT” shown by the indicator for pedestrians whilst it is illuminated at a Pelican crossing shall convey the same warning and information to a pedestrian as that conveyed by the red pedestrian light signal, that is to say, that in the interests of safety, he should not cross the carriageway.

Significance of additional signs

15.  A sign placed in accordance with regulation 8 shall convey the information, prohibition or requirement specified in relation to it by the 1997 Regulations.


Prohibition against the stopping of vehicles on crossings

16.  The driver of a vehicle shall not cause the vehicle or any part of it to stop within the limits of a crossing unless he is prevented from proceeding by circumstances beyond his control or it is necessary for him to stop to avoid injury or damage to persons or property.

Pedestrians not to delay on crossings

17.  A pedestrian shall not remain on the carriageway within the limits of a crossing longer than is necessary for him to pass over that crossing with reasonable despatch.

Prohibition against the stopping of vehicles in controlled areas

18.—(1) In this regulation “vehicle” shall not include a pedal cycle without a side car attached to it.

(2) Subject to paragraph (3), the driver of a vehicle shall not cause any part of it to stop in a controlled area.

(3) Paragraph (2) does not prohibit the driver of a vehicle from stopping in a controlled area—

(a)if the driver has stopped it for the purpose of complying with regulation 19, 21 or 22;

(b)if the driver is prevented from proceeding by circumstances beyond his control or it is necessary for him to stop to avoid injury or damage to persons or property;

(c)when the vehicle is being used for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes;

(d)for so long as may be necessary to enable the vehicle to be used for the purposes of—

(i)any operation involving building, demolition or excavation;

(ii)the removal of any obstruction to traffic;

(iii)the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of a road; or

(iv)the laying, erection, alteration, repair or cleaning in or near the controlled area of any sewer or of any main, pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas, water or electricity, or of any telecommunication apparatus as defined in section 4(3) of the Telecommunications Act 1984(2)

but only if the vehicle cannot be used for such a purpose without stopping in the controlled area;

(e)if he stops the vehicle for the purpose of making a left or right turn; or

(f)if the vehicle is a bus, other than one being used on an excursion or tour, which is stopped at a bus stop after having proceeded through the crossing to which the controlled area relates, and is waiting in that area in order to take up or set down passengers.

Prohibition against vehicles proceeding through Pelican or Puffin crossings

19.  When vehicular light signals at a Pelican crossing or a Puffin crossing are displaying the red light signal the driver of a vehicle shall not cause it or any part of it to proceed beyond the stop line, or, if that line is not for the time being visible, beyond the post or other structure on which the primary signals are mounted.

Prohibition against vehicles overtaking at crossings

20.—(1) While any vehicle (in this regulation called “the approaching vehicle”) or any part of it is within the limits of a controlled area and is proceeding towards the crossing, the driver of the approaching vehicle shall not cause it or any part of it—

(a)to pass ahead of the foremost part of any other vehicle proceeding in the same direction; or

(b)to pass ahead of the foremost part of a vehicle which is stationary for the purpose of complying with regulation 19, 21 or 22.

(2) In paragraph (1)—

(a)the reference in sub-paragraph (a) to any other vehicle is, in a case where more than one vehicle is proceeding in the same direction as the approaching vehicle in a controlled area, a reference to the vehicle nearest to the crossing to which the controlled area relates; and

(b)the reference in sub-paragraph (b) to a vehicle which is stationary is, in a case where only one other vehicle is stopped for the purpose of complying with regulation 19, 21 or 22, a reference to that vehicle, and, where more than one other vehicle is stationary for that purpose, a reference to the one nearest to the crossing to which the controlled area relates.

Precedence of pedestrians over vehicles at Zebra crossings

21.—(1) Every pedestrian, if he is on the carriageway within the limits of a Zebra crossing, which is not for the time being controlled by a constable in uniform or a traffic warden, before any part of a vehicle has entered those limits, shall have precedence within those limits over that vehicle and the driver of the vehicle shall accord such precedence to any such pedestrian.

(2) Where there is a pedestrian refuge or central reservation on a Zebra crossing, the parts of the crossing situated on each side of the pedestrian refuge or central reservation shall, for the purposes of these Regulations, be treated as separate crossings.

Precedence of pedestrians over vehicles at Pelican crossings

22.  When vehicular light signals at a Pelican crossing are displaying the flashing amber signal, every pedestrian, if he is on the carriageway or a central reservation within the limits of the crossing (but not if he is on a central reservation which forms part of a system of staggered crossings) before any part of a vehicle has entered those limits, shall have precedence within those limits over that vehicle and the driver of the vehicle shall accord such precedence to any such pedestrian.



23.  The Regulations listed in Schedule 5 are hereby revoked.

Sealed with the Official Seal of the Department for Regional Development on 28th March 2006.


R. Sherman

A senior officer of the

Department for Regional Development