The Zebra, Pelican and Puffin Pedestrian Crossings Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006


2.  In these Regulations—

“the 1997 Regulations” means the Traffic Signs Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997(1);

“bus” has the meaning assigned to it by regulation 20(2) of the 1997 Regulations;

“carriageway” means a way constituted or comprised in a road being a way over which the public have a right of way for the passage of vehicles, but does not include a central reservation (whether within the limits of a crossing or not);

“central reservation” means—


in relation to a road comprising a single carriageway, any provision (including a pedestrian refuge) which separates one part of the carriageway from another part;


in relation to a road which comprises two or more carriageways any land or permanent work which separates those carriageways from one another;

“controlled area” means a Zebra controlled area, a Pelican controlled area or a Puffin controlled area;

“crossing” means a Zebra crossing, a Pelican crossing or a Puffin crossing;

“driver” in relation to a pedal cycle, means the person riding it who is in control of it;

“give-way line” means a road marking placed adjacent to a Zebra crossing in accordance with regulation 5(1) and paragraph 13 of Part II of Schedule 1;

“indicator for pedestrians” means the sign prescribed for the purposes of a Pelican crossing by regulation 4(2)(a) and paragraphs 2(1)(c) and 5 of Part I of Schedule 2 and shown in diagram 4003A in Schedule 9 to the 1997 Regulations;

“one-way street” means a road on which the driving of vehicles otherwise than in one particular direction is prohibited;

“pedal cycle” has the meaning assigned to it by regulation 2 of the 1997 Regulations;

“pedestrian demand unit” means the sign prescribed for the purposes of a Puffin crossing by regulation 4(3)(a) and paragraphs 1(1)(b) and 3 of Schedule 3 and shown in diagram 4003.1 in Schedule 9 to the 1997 Regulations;

“pedestrian light signals” means the sign prescribed for the purposes of a Pelican crossing by regulation 4(2)(a) and paragraphs 2(1)(b) and 4 of Part I of Schedule 2 and shown in diagram 4002 in Schedule 9 to the 1997 Regulations;

“pedestrian refuge” has the meaning assigned to it by regulation 46(2) of the 1997 Regulations;

“Pelican controlled area” means an area of carriageway in the vicinity of a Pelican crossing the limits of which are indicated in accordance with regulation 5(2) and Schedule 4;

“Pelican crossing” means a pedestrian crossing—


at which there are signs of the size, colour and type prescribed by regulation 4(2)(a) and Part I of Schedule 2;


the limits of which are indicated in accordance with regulation 4(2)(b) and Schedule 4;

“primary signals” means light signals so placed as to face vehicular traffic approaching a Pelican crossing or a Puffin crossing and placed beyond the stop line and in front of the line of studs nearest the stop line indicating the limits of the crossing in accordance with regulation 5(3) and Schedule 4;

“Puffin controlled area” means an area of carriageway in the vicinity of a Puffin crossing the limits of which are indicated in accordance with regulation 5(2) and Schedule 4;

“Puffin crossing” means a pedestrian crossing—


at which there are signs of the size, colour and type prescribed by regulation 4(3)(a) and Schedule 3;


the limits of which are indicated in accordance with regulation 4(3)(b) and Schedule 4;

“retroreflecting material” has the meaning assigned to it by regulation 2 of the 1997 Regulations;

“road marking” has the meaning assigned to it by regulation 2 of the 1997 Regulations;

“sign” has the meaning assigned to it by regulation 2 of the 1997 Regulations;

“stop line” means, in relation to a vehicle approaching a Pelican crossing or a Puffin crossing the transverse continuous white line (indicated in accordance with regulation 5(3) and Schedule 4 and parallel to the limits of the crossing) which is on the same side of the crossing as the vehicle;

“stud” has the meaning assigned to it by regulation 2 of the 1997 Regulations;

“system of staggered crossings” means two or more Pelican crossings or two or more Puffin crossings provided on a road on which there is a central reservation and where—


there is one crossing on each side of the central reservation; and


taken together the two crossings do not form a straight line across the road;

“two-way street” means a road which is not a one-way street;

“vehicular light signals” means, in relation to a Pelican crossing or a Puffin crossing, the sign prescribed (in the case of a Pelican crossing) by regulation 4(2)(a) and paragraphs 2(1)(a) and 3 of Part I of Schedule 2 or (in the case of a Puffin crossing) by regulation 4(3)(a) and paragraphs 1(1)(a) and 2 of Schedule 3 and shown in diagram 3000 in Schedule 8 to the 1997 Regulations;

“Zebra controlled area” means an area of carriageway in the vicinity of a Zebra crossing the limits of which are indicated in accordance with regulation 5(1) and Part II of Schedule 1; and

“Zebra crossing” means a pedestrian crossing—


at which there are signs of the size, colour and type prescribed by regulation 4(1)(a) and Part I of Schedule 1;


the limits of which are indicated in accordance with regulation 4(1)(b) and Part II of Schedule 1.