The Carriage of Explosives Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006


1.  Where orange-coloured plates bearing a HIN are required to be displayed in accordance with regulation 19(2) and sub-sections and of ADR, then the HIN shall be replaced by the appropriate EAC for the substance in question.

2.  Subject to paragraphs 3 and 5, where a transport unit or tank-vehicle is carrying one dangerous good in a tank or a transport unit or in a container in bulk–

(a)the orange-coloured plates referred to in paragraph 1, shall be displayed in accordance with the provisions of sub-sections and of ADR which are applicable to the good, transport unit, tank-vehicle or container in question; and

(b)an identical orange-coloured plate shall be affixed to the rear of the transport unit, in place of the orange-coloured plate to be affixed to the rear of the transport unit pursuant to sub-section of ADR.

3.  Subject to paragraph 5, where more than one dangerous good is being carried in a tank or in bulk in a transport unit or a tank-vehicle with more than one tank or container–

(a)the orange-coloured plates referred to in paragraph 1, shall be displayed in accordance with the provisions of sub-sections and of ADR which are applicable to the goods, transport unit, tank-vehicle or container in question except that–

(i)only one on each side of the transport unit, tank, tank compartment or container in question, parallel to the longitudinal axis, shall bear the EAC; and

(ii)the remaining plates shall bear only the UN number and shall be 150mm in height; and

(b)an orange-coloured plate shall be affixed to the rear of the transport unit or tank-vehicle in question which shall be identical to the plates referred to in sub-paragraph (a), except that it shall display the EAC only in the top half of the plate.

4.  –

(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), where dangerous goods are being carried in tanks a telephone number where specialist advice concerning the dangerous goods in question can be obtained in English at any time during carriage shall be displayed–

(a)at the rear of the transport unit;

(b)on both sides of–

(i)any tank;

(ii)the frame of any tank; or

(iii)the transport unit; and

(c)in the immediate vicinity of the orange-coloured plates displaying the EACs,

and shall be in black digits of not less than 30mm in height against an orange-coloured background.

(2) The telephone number may be substituted by the phrase “consult local depot”or “contact local depot” provided that–

(a)the name of the carrier is clearly identifiable from the marking on any tank or the transport unit;

(b)the chief fire officer has been notified in writing of the address and telephone number of the relevant local depot; and

(c)the chief fire officer has indicated in writing that he is satisfied with the arrangements.

5.  –

(1) The information required to be displayed on placards and orange-coloured plates pursuant to section 5.3.1 of ADR and paragraphs 1 to 3 and the information required to be displayed pursuant to paragraph 4 may all be shown on hazard warning panels provided that any such panel meets the conditions set out in sub-paragraph (2).

(2) The conditions referred to in sub-paragraph (1) for a hazard warning panel are that–

(a)it shall be displayed in accordance with paragraphs 1 to 3 as if they were orange-coloured plates;

(b)it shall be orange-coloured except the part incorporating the placard which shall be white;

(c)the part incorporating the placard shall be not less than 200mm by 200mm, with a line of the same colour as the relevant symbol not more than 12.5mm inside the edge and running parallel to it;

(d)if more than one placard is to be incorporated in the panel then those placards shall be adjacent in the same horizontal plane;

(e)it shall conform to the figure below; and

(f)it shall be clearly visible.

Hazard Warning Panel