Site survey
An accurate plan which should be prepared on a scale not less detailed than 1:2,500 showing—
the boundaries of the quarry or premises upon which the excavation or tip or proposed excavation or tip is or is to be situated;
the site of the excavation or tip or proposed excavation or tip;
any contiguous land or structures which might be affected by the excavation or tip or proposed excavation or tip; and
all mine workings (whether abandoned or not), buried quarry workings, known cave systems, active or former landslips, springs, artesian wells, watercourses and other natural or man-made features including tunnel pipes or culverts which might affect the safety of the excavation or tip or proposed excavation or tip or which might be relevant for the purpose of determining whether excavation or tipping operations can be carried out safely, which plan shall be contoured to Ordnance Datum at a vertical interval not greater than five metres and orientated to and correlated with the Irish Grid and marked with squares corresponding to the 100 metre squares shown on Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland sheets on the scale of 1:2,500.
Site investigation
A record of all relevant site investigation information including surveys, tests, boreholes and groundwater measurements made for the purpose of the geotechnical assessment together with the results of any testing including the strength of materials within and beneath the tip or within the excavated slope. The record shall include any known historical information relevant to the site investigation.
Cross-sections based on site investigation
Sufficient accurate cross-sections on a scale not less detailed than 1:1,250 of the site of the excavation or tip or proposed excavation or tip showing the existing ground surface and all relevant superficial materials and bedrock underlying the said site and—
any variation in the thickness, level or character of the superficial deposits and bedrock materials based on the site investigation; and
the position of any surface whether natural or manmade which may affect the safety of the excavation or tip or proposed excavation or tip.
Plans based on site investigation
Plans showing the position of all boreholes, wells and trial pits used in the site investigation and the location and levels of all materials and surfaces which may affect the safety of the excavation or tip or proposed excavation or tip.
Assumptions made before analysis
A record of any assumptions relevant to the assessment of ground conditions relating to the safety of the excavation or tip made by the geotechnical specialist including a record of any relevant information which was not available when undertaking the assessment.
Findings of analysis
A record of the calculations carried out in order to determine the safety of the excavation or tip, including any variables or parameters used in those calculations and the reasons for using them and the findings of those calculations expressed as the factor of safety or the probability of failure or other recognised basis of assessing stability.
Design coming out of analysis
An accurate plan on a scale not less detailed than 1:2,500 recording—
in relation to tips or proposed tips, the design of the tip, including the area of land covered or to be covered, the gradients of that land, the designed contours at vertical intervals of not more than two metres, the side slopes and boundaries of the tip and the designed position and nature of construction of any wall or other structure retaining or confining the tip; and
in relation to excavations or proposed excavations, the design of the excavation, including the height or proposed height of the slope, the position and width of any benches and representative contours of the excavation at vertical intervals of not more than five metres.
Requirements during and after construction
A record of the nature and extent of inspection, supervision and safety measures necessary to ensure the safety of the excavation or tip and a specification of necessary engineering works and safety measures. A record of the action to be taken regarding defects specified in the report.