Consignments constituting a danger to health19


Subject to paragraph (2), where checks at a quarantine centre or quarantine facility or the test results referred to in regulation 16(6) reveal that an animal or a consignment of animals is likely to constitute a danger to animal or human health, the Department shall immediately seize and destroy the animal or consignment (as the case may be) and the costs of such action shall be payable by the importer or his representative.


Where the presence of avian influenza or Newcastle disease is found at a quarantine centre or quarantine facility as described in Article 4(4) of Commission Decision 2000/666/EC, an inspector shall—


kill and destroy all birds within the quarantine facility or at the unit at the quarantine centre where disease has been found, as required under Article 4(4)(a) of Commission Decision 2000/666/EC; and


by notice impose the other measures provided for in Article 4(4),

except that in relation to Newcastle disease, he may instead serve notice specifying the terms on which the derogation in Article 4(5) is to be exercised.


Where during quarantine required under Commission Decision 2000/666/EC psittaciformes are suspected or found to be suffering Chlamydia psittaci, an inspector shall by notice—


require the treatment of all birds in the consignment by means specified in that notice; and


extend the period of quarantine as required under Article 5 of Commission Decision 2000/666/EC.


An inspector serving a notice under paragraphs (2) and (3) shall serve it upon the quarantine manager or other person appearing to be in charge of the centre or facility at the time of service; and shall as soon as he practically can send a copy by way of information to the importer of the birds concerned.