The Foot-and-Mouth Disease Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006

Declaration of protection zones and surveillance zones on confirmation of the disease in the Republic of Ireland

30.—(1) If the Department is satisfied that the disease is present on premises (other than a slaughterhouse) in the Republic of Ireland—

(a)it shall declare an area to be a protection zone if those premises are situated within three kilometres of the border with Northern Ireland; and

(b)it shall declare an area to be a surveillance zone if those premises are situated within ten kilometres of that border.

(2) If the Department is satisfied that the disease is present at—

(a)any premises in the Republic of Ireland situated more than ten kilometres from the border with Northern Ireland, or

(b)a slaughterhouse or border inspection post in the Republic of Ireland situated within ten kilometres of the border with Northern Ireland,

it may declare an area to be a protection zone, or an area to be a surveillance zone, or both, in Northern Ireland.

(3) Subject to paragraph (4), a protection zone or surveillance zone declared under this regulation shall be of such size as the Department considers fit so as to prevent the spread of disease.

(4) A declaration under this regulation shall designate the extent of any protection zone or surveillance zone declared and the Department shall ensure that—

(a)any such zone abuts the border with the Republic of Ireland;

(b)any protection zone extends from that border such that its boundary is at least three kilometres from that border;

(c)any surveillance zone extends from that border such that its boundary is at least ten kilometres from that border.