11.—(1) This paragraph applies to dung, manure or slurry—
(a)from premises in a protection zone where a susceptible animal is kept, or
(b)collected from a vehicle carrying a susceptible animal from or within a protection zone.
(2) A person shall not transport dung, manure or slurry to which this paragraph applies unless such transport complies with sub-paragraph (3) or (5), and with sub-paragraph (6).
(3) Transport of dung, manure or slurry complies with this sub-paragraph where it is to a plant for treatment to destroy the disease virus and is authorised by a licence granted by an inspector.
(4) The occupier of any premises to which manure is transported by authority of a licence granted under sub-paragraph (3) shall ensure that it is treated in accordance with point 5 of Section II in Part A of Annex VIII to Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002, as amended(1).
(5) Transport of dung, manure or slurry for spreading complies with this sub-paragraph if it satisfies the following requirements—
(a)the dung, manure or slurry is for spreading on premises where a susceptible animal is not kept;
(b)the dung, manure or slurry was produced more than 21 days before the earliest infection date in the protection zone;
(c)where the dung, manure or slurry is from bovine animals or pigs—
(i)all animals on the premises where it was produced have been clinically examined by an inspector of the Department who is satisfied by such examination that they are free of infection, and
(ii)the dung, manure or slurry was produced at least 4 days before such examination;
(6) Transport of dung, manure or slurry complies with this sub-paragraph if it is carried out in vehicles which are—
(a)constructed and maintained so that there is no leakage of the load during transport; and
(b)cleansed and disinfected in accordance with the directions of an inspector, after loading and before leaving the premises of origin.
(7) After transporting dung, manure or slurry under this paragraph, the person in charge of the vehicle shall ensure it is cleansed and disinfected in accordance with the directions of an inspector, after unloading or spreading and before leaving the premises of destination.
(8) A person in charge of a vehicle to be cleansed and disinfected so as to comply with sub-paragraph (6) or under sub-paragraph (7) shall ensure that such cleansing and disinfection is carried out so that—
(a)the exterior (including the wheels and wheel arches) is not marked with mud, dung, manure or similar matter on leaving the premises of origin or the premises of destination;
(b)the interior (excluding any driver or passenger compartment) is not so marked on leaving the premises of destination; and
(c)any additional requirements as an inspector directs are complied with.
(9) A person shall not spread dung, manure or slurry to which this paragraph applies unless such spreading is authorised by a licence granted by an inspector and—
(a)the dung, manure or slurry is spread from not more than 1 metre above the ground;
(b)if spread as a liquid spread is not discharged by equipment producing a jet or spray unless the discharge point is directed downwards at an angle of not less than 45° from the horizontal; and
(c)once spread is immediately incorporated into the ground.
(10) Any licence granted under sub-paragraph (9) shall contain at least the following terms—
(a)designation of the fields on which dung, manure or slurry from bovine animals or pigs may be spread; and
(b)designation of a distance from premises where a susceptible animal is kept within which dung, manure or slurry must not be spread.
O.J. No. L273, 10.10.2002, p.1 as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No. 668/2004 (O.J. No. L112, 19/4/2004. P.1)