The Weighing Equipment (Non-automatic Weighing Machines) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006

Use of weights to determine the value of load in metric units

30.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), every Class I or Class II non-automatic weighing machine, used in association with a weight or weights to determine the value of any load in terms of metric units of mass other than carat (metric) units, shall be used for trade for such purpose only in association with weights which bear the mark of EEC initial verification in accordance with—

(a)the provisions of Council Directive No. 74/148/EEC(1) on above-medium accuracy weights in the case of Class II machines; or

(b)the provisions of the said Directive except for those provisions relating to weights of Class M1 in the case of Class I machines.

(2) The requirements of this regulation shall not apply to any non-automatic weighing machine for use for trade in any transaction by retail in drugs or other pharmaceutical products.


O.J. No. L84, 28.3.1974, p. 3