PART 3Reviews and Appeals

Review by the Department

11.—(1) Where an application has been made under regulation 10 in respect of a hereditament, the Department shall serve notice of the decision in relation thereto on any person who is or, but for these Regulations, would be chargeable to rates in respect of the hereditament.

(2) Where, in respect of a hereditament, the applicant under regulation 10 is different from the person on whom the notice is served under paragraph (1), the Department shall serve a copy of the notice on the applicant.

(3) Any person who is aggrieved by a decision of the Department notified to him under paragraph (1) or (2) may, within twenty-eight days of service of the notice on him, apply to the Department for a review by the Department of the decision so notified to him.

(4) The Department shall serve on the persons on whom a notice was served under paragraph (1) or (2) a notice of the result of any review relating to that notice.

Appeals to and from the Valuation Tribunal

12.—(1) If that person is dissatisfied with the result of the review, he may appeal to the Valuation Tribunal.

(2) The Department or any person aggrieved by a decision of the Valuation Tribunal under paragraph (1) as being erroneous on a point of law may require the Valuation Tribunal to state and sign a case for the Court of Appeal.