Regulation 10

SCHEDULEPermitted movements

PART IHatching eggs

1.—(1) Provided that the conditions in sub-paragraph (2) are fulfilled, the movement of any hatching egg—

(a)from premises that are within a vaccination zone to other premises that are within a vaccination zone; or

(b)from premises that are within a vaccination zone or the subject of a vaccination notice, to premises that are outside a vaccination zone or are not the subject of a vaccination notice.

(2) The conditions are—

(a)the hatching egg originates from a breeding flock that has been clinically examined by an inspector who has not placed that flock under any restriction;

(b)it has been disinfected before dispatch in accordance with instructions issued by an inspector; and

(c)it is to be transported directly to a designated hatchery.

(3) The movement of any hatching egg from premises that are outside a vaccination zone or are not the subject of a vaccination notice, to premises that are within a vaccination zone or the subject of a vaccination notice, provided that it is to be transported directly to a designated hatchery.

PART IIEggs other than hatching eggs

1.—(1) Provided that the conditions in sub-paragraph (2) are fulfilled, the movement of any egg other than a hatching egg—

(a)from premises that are within a vaccination zone to other premises that are within a vaccination zone; or

(b)from premises that are within a vaccination zone or the subject of a vaccination notice, to premises that are outside a vaccination zone or are not the subject of a vaccination notice.

(2) The conditions are that the egg originates from a layer flock which has been clinically examined by an inspector who has not placed that flock under any restrictions and—

(a)it is being transported to a designated packing centre packed in disposable packaging and all biosecurity measures required by the movement licence are applied; or

(b)it is being transported to an establishment for the manufacture of egg products as set out in Chapter II of Section X of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004(1) to be handled and treated in accordance with Chapter XI of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 852/2004(2).

2.  The movement of any egg other than a hatching egg from premises that are outside a vaccination zone or, are not the subject of a vaccination notice, to premises that are within a vaccination zone or the subject of a vaccination notice, provided that—

(a)it is being transported to a designated packing centre packed in disposable packaging and all biosecurity measures required by the movement licence are applied; or

(b)it is being transported to an establishment for the manufacture of egg products as set out in Chapter II of Section X of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 to be handled and treated in accordance with Chapter XI of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 852/2004.

PART IIIDay-old chicks

1.  The movement of any day-old chick from premises that are within a vaccination zone to other premises that are within a vaccination zone provided that it originates from a hatching egg satisfying the conditions set out in Part I paragraph 1(2).

2.  The movement of any day-old chick from premises that are within a vaccination zone or the subject of a vaccination notice, to premises that are outside a vaccination zone or are not the subject of a vaccination notice, provided that—

(a)it has not been vaccinated; and

(b)it originates from a hatching egg satisfying the conditions set out in Part I paragraph 1(2) or Part II paragraph 1.

3.  The movement of any day-old chick from premises that are outside a vaccination zone or are not the subject of a vaccination notice, to premises that are within a vaccination zone or the subject of a vaccination notice.

PART IVLive poultry or other captive birds

1.  The movement of any live poultry (except those going for slaughter) or other captive bird from premises that are within a vaccination zone to other premises that are within a vaccination zone provided that—

(a)it has been vaccinated against avian influenza if vaccination is required at the premises from which it is being moved by a declaration or vaccination notice under regulation 6(1); and

(b)it has been clinically examined by an inspector who has not placed it under any restrictions.

2.  The movement of any live poultry (except those going for slaughter) or other captive bird from premises that are within a vaccination zone or the subject of a vaccination notice, to premises that are outside a vaccination zone or are not the subject of a vaccination notice, provided that—

(a)it has not been vaccinated; and

(b)it has been clinically examined by an inspector who has not placed it under any restrictions.

3.  The movement of any live poultry (except those going for slaughter) or other captive bird from premises that are outside a vaccination zone or are not the subject of a vaccination notice, to premises that are within a vaccination zone or the subject of a vaccination notice.

PART VVaccinated poultry for slaughter

1.—(1) Provided that the conditions in sub-paragraph (2) are fulfilled, the movement of any vaccinated poultry for slaughter—

(a)from premises that are within a vaccination zone to a designated slaughterhouse that is within a vaccination zone; or

(b)from premises that are within a vaccination zone, or the subject of a vaccination notice, to a designated slaughterhouse that is outside a vaccination zone.

(2) The conditions are—

(a)the poultry has been vaccinated with a vaccine specified in the declaration or emergency vaccination notice under regulation 6(1);

(b)it has been clinically examined and tested before loading by an inspector who has not placed it under any restrictions;

(c)it has been clinically inspected by an inspector within 48 hours before loading and if appropriate any sentinel birds on the premises have also been examined by an inspector; and

(d)it is to be sent directly to a designated slaughterhouse.

PART VIUnvaccinated poultry for slaughter

1.—(1) Provided that the conditions in sub-paragraph (2) are fulfilled, the movement of any unvaccinated poultry for slaughter—

(a)from premises that are within a vaccination zone to a designated slaughterhouse that is within a vaccination zone; or

(b)from premises that are within a vaccination zone, or the subject of a vaccination notice, to a designated slaughterhouse that is outside a vaccination zone.

(2) The conditions are—

(a)the poultry has been clinically examined before loading by an inspector who has not placed it under any restrictions; and

(b)it is to be sent directly to a designated slaughterhouse.

2.  The movement of any poultry for slaughter from premises that are outside a vaccination zone or, are not the subject of a vaccination notice, to premises that are within a vaccination zone or the subject of a vaccination notice, provided that they are to be sent directly to a designated slaughterhouse.

PART VIIMovement of live poultry or other captive birds out of the United Kingdom

1.  The movement of any live poultry or other captive birds out of the United Kingdom from premises that are within a vaccination zone or the subject of a vaccination notice provided that the movement is authorised by the receiving member State.

PART VIIIInterpretation

1.  In this Schedule, premises that are expressed to be “designated” are those which are deemed to be designated in accordance with regulation 9(6).


O.J. No. L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 55. The revised text of Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004 is now set out in a Corrigendum (O.J. No. L226, 25.6.2004, p.22)


O.J. No. L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 1. The revised text of Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 is now set out in a Corrigendum (O.J. No. L226, 25.6.2004, p.3)