1685 metres of new roads in the townlands of Ballylesson and Ballycreggy, County of Antrim consisting of—
(a)990 metres, from a point 885 metres south-west of the junction of the existing A26 Ballee Road East and C46 Liminary Road, to a point 270 metres south-west of the centre point of the Larne Road Roundabout South Bridge, more particularly delineated, coloured red and marked dual carriageway on the map;
(b)275 metres of slip road, from a point on the Larne Road Roundabout 65 metres west of the centre point of the South Bridge for a distance of 275 metres in a generally southerly direction, more particularly delineated, coloured red and marked northbound off-slip on the map;
(c)420 metres of slip road, from a point on the Larne Road Roundabout 85 metres east of the centre point of the South Bridge for a distance of 420 metres in a generally south-westerly direction, more particularly delineated, coloured red and marked southbound on-slip on the map.