146.—(1) Principal medical practitioners who are partners in any partnership must exercise the elections described in regulation 145(2) and (3) by giving notice in writing to their host Board in accordance with this regulation.
(2) The notice must be signed by all the principal medical practitioners and any non-GP providers in the partnership and must state as a fraction each practitioner's and non-GP provider's share in the partnership profits.
(3) In the case of medical practitioners, the notice must state the name of every Health and Social Services Board on whose list the name of any practitioner in the partnership is included.
(4) A notice given under this regulation—
(a)will take effect—
(i)from the date agreed between the practitioners and any non —GP providers and the Health and Social Services Board concerned; or
(ii)if no agreement is reached, a date decided by the Department;
(b)will continue in effect until cancelled or amended by a subsequent notice in writing signed by all the practitioners and any non-GP providers in the partnership;
(c)will be automatically cancelled upon a change in the members of the partnership.