The Employment and Support Allowance Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2008

CHAPTER 3Temporary absence from Northern Ireland

Absence from Northern Ireland

151.—(1) A claimant who is entitled to an employment and support allowance is to continue to be so entitled during a period of temporary absence from Northern Ireland only in accordance with this Chapter.

(2) A claimant who continues to be entitled to a contributory allowance during a period of temporary absence shall not be disqualified for receiving that allowance during that period under section 18(4) of the Act.

Short absence

152.  A claimant is to continue to be entitled to an employment and support allowance during the first 4 weeks of a temporary absence from Northern Ireland if—

(a)the period of absence is unlikely to exceed 52 weeks; and

(b)while absent from Northern Ireland, the claimant continues to satisfy the other conditions of entitlement to that employment and support allowance.

Absence to receive medical treatment

153.—(1) A claimant is to continue to be entitled to an employment and support allowance during the first 26 weeks of a temporary absence from Northern Ireland if—

(a)the period of absence is unlikely to exceed 52 weeks;

(b)while absent from Northern Ireland, the claimant continues to satisfy the other conditions of entitlement to that employment and support allowance;

(c)the claimant is absent from Northern Ireland solely—

(i)in connection with arrangements made for the treatment of the claimant for a disease or bodily or mental disablement directly related to the claimant’s limited capability for work which commenced before leaving Northern Ireland, or

(ii)because the claimant is accompanying a dependent child in connection with arrangements made for the treatment of that child for a disease or bodily or mental disablement;

(d)those arrangements relate to treatment—

(i)outside Northern Ireland,

(ii)during the period whilst the claimant is temporarily absent from Northern Ireland, and

(iii)by, or under the supervision of, a person appropriately qualified to carry out that treatment; and

(e)before leaving Northern Ireland the claimant sought and received the permission of the Department to do so.

(2) In paragraph (1)(d)(iii) “appropriately qualified” means qualified to provide medical treatment, physiotherapy or a form of treatment which is similar to, or related to, either of those forms of treatment.

Absence in order to receive health service treatment

154.  A claimant is to continue to be entitled to an employment and support allowance during any period of temporary absence from Northern Ireland if—

(a)while absent from Northern Ireland, the claimant continues to satisfy the other conditions of entitlement to that employment and support allowance;

(b)that period of temporary absence is for the purpose of the claimant receiving treatment at a hospital or other institution outside Northern Ireland where the treatment is being provided—

(i)under Article 5, 7 or 8 of the Health and Personal Social Services Order(1) (provision of accommodation and medical services, etc.; prevention of illness, care and after-care; care of mothers and young children),

(ii)pursuant to arrangements made under Article 14A of that Order(2) (arrangements for provision of health services by other bodies or persons), or

(iii)pursuant to arrangements made under paragraph 13 of Schedule 3 to the Health and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1991(3) (Health and Social Services trusts: specific powers); and

(c)before leaving Northern Ireland the claimant sought and received the permission of the Department to do so.

Absence of member of family of member of Her Majesty’s forces

155.—(1) A claimant is to continue to be entitled to an employment and support allowance during any period of temporary absence from Northern Ireland if—

(a)the claimant is a member of the family of a member of Her Majesty’s forces and temporarily absent from Northern Ireland by reason only of the fact that the claimant is living with that member; and

(b)before leaving Northern Ireland the claimant sought and received the permission of the Department to do so.

(2) In this regulation “member of the family of a member of Her Majesty’s forces” means the spouse, civil partner, son, daughter, step-son, step-daughter, father, father-in-law, step-father, mother, mother-in-law or step-mother of such a member.


Article 5 was amended by Schedule 6 to the Health and Social Security (Northern Ireland) Order 1984 (S.I. 1984/1158 (N.I. 8)) Schedule 5 to the Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 (S.I. 1986/595 (N.I. 4)) and paragraph 3 of Schedule 1 to the Primary Medical Services (Northern Ireland) Order 2004 (S.I. 2004/311 (N.I. 2)) and Article 7 was amended by section 121(1) of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (c. 33) and section 46(6) of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (c. 41)


Article 14A was inserted by paragraph 2(1) of Schedule 1 to the Registered Homes (Northern Ireland) Order 1992 (S.I. 1992/3204 (N.I. 20))


S.I. 1991/194 (N.I. 1); paragraph 13 was amended by Schedule 1 to the Health and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1994 (S.I. 1994/429 (N.I. 2))