The Explosives (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009


The aquatic environment

1.  The concentration limits fixed in the following tables, expressed as a weight/weight percentage, determine the classification of the preparation in relation to the individual concentration of the substances present whose classification is also shown.

Table 1a
Acute aquatic toxicity and long term adverse effects
Classification of the substanceClassification of the preparation
N, R50-53N, R51-53R52-53
N, R50-53see Table 1bsee Table 1bsee Table 1b
N, R51-53Cn ≥ 25%2.5% ≤ Cn < 25%
R52-53Cn ≥ 25%

For preparations containing a substance classified with N, R50-53, the concentration limits and the resulting classification given in Table 1b are applicable.

Table 1b
Acute aquatic toxicity and long-term adverse effects of substances very toxic to the aquatic environment
LC50 or EC50 value (“L(E)C50”) of substance classified as N, R50-53 (mg/l)Classification of the preparation
N, R50-53N, R51-53R52-53
0.1 < L(E)C50 ≤ 1Cn ≥ 25%2.5% ≤ Cn < 25%0.25% ≤ Cn < 2.5%
0.01 < L(E)C50 ≤ 0.1Cn ≥ 2.5%0.25% ≤ Cn < 2.5%0.025% ≤ Cn < 0.25%
0.001 < L(E)C50 ≤ 0.01Cn ≥ 0.25%0.025% ≤ Cn < 0.25%0.0025% ≤ Cn < 0.025%
0.0001 < L(E)C50 ≤ 0.001Cn ≥ 0.025%0.0025% ≤ Cn < 0.025%0.00025% ≤ Cn < 0.0025%
0.00001 < L(E)C50 ≤ 0.0001Cn ≥ 0.0025%0.00025% ≤ Cn < 0.0025%0.000025% ≤ Cn < 0.00025%

For preparations containing substances with a lower LC50 or EC50 value than 0.00001 mg/l, the corresponding concentration limits are calculated accordingly (in factor 10 intervals).

Table 2
Acute aquatic toxicity
LC50 or EC50 value (“L(E)C50”) of substance classified either as N, R50 or as N,R50-53 (mg/l)Classification of the preparation N, R50
0.1 < L(E)C50 ≤ 1Cn ≥ 25%
0.01 < L(E)C50 ≤ 0.1Cn ≥ 2.5%
0.001 < L(E)C50 ≤ 0.01Cn ≥ 0.25%
0.0001 < L(E)C50 ≤ 0.001Cn ≥ 0.025%
0.00001 < L(E)C50 ≤ 0.0001Cn ≥ 0.0025%

For preparations containing substances with a lower LC50 or EC50 value than 0.00001 mg/l, the corresponding concentration limits are calculated accordingly (in factor 10 intervals).

Table 3
Aquatic toxicity
Classification of the substanceClassification of the preparation R52
R52Cn ≥ 25%
Table 4
Long-term adverse effects
Classification of the substanceClassification of the preparation R53
R53Cn ≥ 25%
N, R50-53Cn ≥ 25%
N, R51-53Cn ≥ 25%
R52-53Cn ≥ 25%

The non-aquatic environment

2.  The concentration limits fixed in the following table, expressed as a weight/weight percentage or, for gaseous preparations as a volume/volume percentage, determine the classification of the preparation in relation to the individual concentration of the substances present whose classification is also shown.

Table 5
Dangerous for the ozone layer
Classification of the substanceClassification of the preparation N, R59
N with R59Cn ≥ 0.1%