Payments by employing authorities to the CommitteeN.I.
37.—(1) Every employing authority must pay to the Committee on or before such dates falling at intervals of not more than 12 months as the Committee may determine—
(a)all amounts from time to time deducted from the pay of its employees under these Regulations or the Benefits Regulations;
(b)any amount it has received by deduction or otherwise under regulation 14(5) (contributions during child-related leave), 16 (contributions during trade dispute absence), 17 (contributions during absences with permission) or 21 (additional voluntary contributions and shared cost additional voluntary contributions) during the interval;
(c)any extra charge payable under regulation 35 (employer’s payment following resolution to increase membership or award additional pension) or 36 (employer’s further payments) of which it has been notified by the Committee during the interval; and
(d)a contribution towards the cost of the administration of the fund, which shall include any amount specified in a notice given in accordance with regulation 38 (additional costs arising from employing authority’s level of performance).
(2) But—
(a)an employing authority must pay the amounts mentioned in paragraph (1)(a), not later than the time required under Article 49(8) of the Pensions Order(); and
(b)paragraph (1)(d) does not apply where the cost of the administration of the fund is paid out of the fund under regulation 5(4) (management of the fund) of the Local Government Pension Scheme (Management and Investment of Funds) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000().
(3) Every payment under paragraph (1)(a) must be accompanied by a statement showing—
(a)the name, pay and band (as set out in column 1 of the table in regulation 3(2) of the Benefits Regulations) of each employing authority’s employees who is an active member;
(b)which employees are paying contributions under regulation 19(1) (payment of additional regular contributions) or 21(1) (additional voluntary contributions and shared cost additional voluntary contributions); and
(c)the amounts which represent deductions in each of the pay bands from the pay of each of the employees and the periods covered by the deductions, distinguishing amounts representing deductions for voluntary contributions.
(4) The Committee may direct that the information mentioned in paragraph (3) shall be given to it instead in such form and at such intervals (not exceeding 12 months) as it specifies in the direction.
(5) If the annual amount payable under paragraph (1)(d) cannot be settled by agreement, it must be determined by the Department.
(6) Paragraphs (1) and (3) do not apply to the Committee.