Transfer of statusI18


Where an eligible student “A” transfers to another course, the Department must transfer A’s status as an eligible student to that course where—


the Department receives a request from the eligible student to do so;


the Department is satisfied that one or more of the grounds for transfer in paragraph (2) applies; and


the period of eligibility has not terminated.


The grounds for transfer are—


on the recommendation of the academic authority A ceases one course and starts to—


attend another designated course at the institution;


undertake another compressed degree course at the institution; or


undertake a compressed degree course at the institution;


A starts to—


attend a designated course at another institution; or


undertake a compressed degree course with another institution;


after starting a course for the Certificate in Education, A is, on or before the completion of that course, admitted to a designated course for the degree (including an honours degree) of Bachelor of Education either at the same institution or at another institution;


after starting a course for the degree (other than an honours degree) of Bachelor of Education, A is, on or before the completion of that course, admitted to a designated course for the honours degree of Bachelor of Education either at the same institution or at another institution; or


after starting a course for a first degree (other than an honours degree) A is, before the completion of that course, admitted to a designated course for an honours degree in the same subject or subjects at the institution.


Subject to paragraph (4), where A transfers under paragraph (1), A is entitled to receive in connection with the academic year of the course to which A transfers the remainder of the support assessed by the Department in respect of the academic year of the course from which A transfers.


The Department may re-assess the amount of support payable after the transfer.


Where A transfers under paragraph (1) after the Department has assessed A’s support in connection with the academic year of the course from which A is transferring but before A completes that year, A may not, in connection with the academic year of the course to which A transfers, apply for another grant or loan of a kind that A has already applied for under these Regulations in connection with the academic year of the course from which A is transferring unless otherwise provided.