(This Schedule substantially reproduces the provisions of Annex II to the Directive)




  • Drivers must not be suffering from any medical conditions or be taking any medication, drugs or substances which are likely to cause—

    1. a

      a sudden loss of consciousness,

    2. b

      a reduction in attention or concentration,

    3. c

      a loss of balance or coordination,

    4. d

      a significant limitation of mobility.



  • The following requirements as regards vision must be complied with—

    1. a

      aided or unaided distance visual acuity: 1,0; minimum of 0,5 for the worse eye,

    2. b

      maximum corrective lenses: hypermetropia + 5/mypopia −8. Derogations are authorised in exceptional cases and after having obtained the opinion of an eye specialist. The recognised doctor then takes the decision,

    3. c

      near and intermediate vision: sufficient, whether aided or unaided,

    4. d

      contact lenses and glasses are authorised when periodically checked by a specialist,

    5. e

      normal colour vision: use of a recognised test, such as Ishihara, as well as another recognised test if required,

    6. f

      field of vision: full,

    7. g

      vision for both eyes: effective; not required in a case where a person lost binocular vision after starting his job and when that person has adequate adaptation and sufficient compensation experience,

    8. h

      binocular vision: effective,

    9. i

      recognition of colour signals: the test must be based on recognition of single colours and not on relative differences,

    10. j

      sensitivity to contrasts: good

    11. k

      no progressive eye disease,

    12. l

      lens implants, keratotomies and keratectomies are allowed only on condition that they are checked on a yearly basis or at intervals set by a recognised doctor,

    13. m

      ability to withstand dazzle,

    14. n

      coloured contact lenses and photochromatic lenses are not allowed. UV filters are allowed.


Hearing and speaking requirements

  • Sufficient hearing confirmed by an audiogram, i.e.—

    • hearing good enough to hold a phone conversation and to be able to hear warning sounds and radio messages.

  • The following values should be taken as guidelines—

    1. a

      the hearing deficiency must not be higher than 40 dB at 500 and 1 000 Hz,

    2. b

      the hearing deficiency must not be higher than 45 dB at 2 000 Hz for the ear with the worst air conduction of sound,

    3. c

      no anomaly of the vestibular system,

    4. d

      no chronic speech disorder (given the necessity to exchange messages loudly and clearly),

    5. e

      the use of hearing aids is allowed in special cases.



  • In the event of poor tolerance or a pathological condition, pregnancy must be considered to be a reason for the temporary exclusion of drivers. Legal provisions protecting pregnant drivers must be applied.