The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010

Fees in relation to functions of the Northern Ireland competent authority

This section has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

23.—(1) This regulation applies where a person has asked the Northern Ireland competent authority to perform a function which is, by virtue of regulation 22, a function of the Northern Ireland authority.

(2) A fee may be charged for, or in conjunction with, the performance of the function by, or on behalf of, the Northern Ireland competent authority.

(3) Any fee charged shall be reasonable for the work performed or to be performed.

(4) But in relation to—

(a)a function mentioned in regulation 25(3), paragraph 1(2) and (3) of Schedule 4 applies; and

(b)a function mentioned in paragraphs (5) to (15) the fee specified in those paragraphs in relation to that function shall apply, instead of paragraphs (2) and (3).

(5) The fee for the provision of inspection facilities, including the carrying out of an inspection, and the administrative work carried out upon receipt of an application for an ADR certificate in respect of a vehicle shall be £88.50.

(6) Subject to paragraph (7), where a vehicle fails to pass an inspection carried out in respect of an application for an ADR certificate, an application for a further inspection shall be treated for the purpose of these Regulations as a separate application for an ADR certificate.

(7) Where a vehicle fails to pass an inspection and within 21 days thereafter arrangements are made for a further inspection to be carried out within that period, paragraph (6) shall not apply but a further fee of £45.50 shall be payable in respect of such arrangements.

(8) The fees paid in pursuance of paragraphs (5), (7) or (11) shall be repaid—

(a)if no appointment for an examination of the vehicle is made or the appointment made is subsequently cancelled by the Northern Ireland competent authority;

(b)if the person for whom the appointment is made gives to the Northern Ireland competent authority notice cancelling the appointment of not less than one clear day before the date of the appointment;

(c)if the person for whom the appointment is made keeps the appointment but the examination does not take place, or is not completed, for a reason not specified in Schedule 3; or

(d)if the person for whom the appointment is made satisfies the Northern Ireland competent authority that the vehicle cannot, or, as the case may be, could not, reasonably be presented for examination on the date of the appointment due to exceptional circumstances occurring not more than seven days before the said date and of which notice is given within three days of the occurrence thereof to the Northern Ireland competent authority at the vehicle testing centre where the examination is or, as the case may be, was to be held.

(9) Where an application is made for a first ADR certificate in respect of a tractor for a semi trailer, and an inspection of the tractor is waived, the fee payable upon receipt of such an application shall be £28.00.

(10) The fee for the issue of a copy of an ADR certificate which has been lost or destroyed shall be £14.

(11) An application made to the Northern Ireland competent authority for an ADR certificate shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee determined in accordance with this regulation.

(12) The fee payable under paragraph (7) in respect of arrangements for a further inspection of a vehicle shall be paid on or before the date arranged for such further inspection.

(13) Where applications are made for inspections to be carried out in respect of ADR certificates for a vehicle and trailer at the same time or consecutively, separate applications, each accompanied by the appropriate fee, shall be submitted.

(14) Subject to paragraph (15), an application for an ADR certificate shall be accompanied by an application for a test made under regulation 10 of the Goods Vehicle (Testing) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003(1) (a “goods vehicle test”).

(15) An application for an ADR certificate need not be accompanied by an application for a goods vehicle test where—

(a)a motor vehicle having a maximum gross weight exceeding 3,500 kilograms which has not yet reached the end of the month in which falls the first anniversary of the date on which it was registered;

(b)a trailer which has not yet reached the end of the month in which falls the first anniversary of the date on which it was first sold or supplied by retail; or

(c)it has a current goods vehicle test certificate.

(16) In this regulation—

(a)“ADR certificate” means a certificate of approval issued for a vehicle following inspection of the vehicle in pursuance of Sub-sections and of Annex B to ADR, and references to an inspection of a vehicle or the issue of a certificate or a copy thereof are references to such an inspection, or issue of a certificate or copy, by the Northern Ireland competent authority;

(b)“exceptional circumstances” means an accident, a fire, industrial action, a failure in the supply of essential services or other unexpected happening (excluding a breakdown or mechanical defect in a vehicle or non-delivery of spare parts therefor); and

(c)save in paragraphs (7) and (8)(d) (insofar as it relates to seven days), no period of time shall include any day which is a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday and “public holiday” shall not include Good Friday and shall include Easter Tuesday.


S.R. 2003 No. 304 to which there are amendments not relevant to these Regulations