Amendment of the Health and Personal Social Services (Compensation for Premature Retirement) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1983

106.—(1) The Health and Personal Social Services (Compensation for Premature Retirement) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1983(1) shall be amended as provided by paragraph (2).

(2) In Regulation 5 (Crediting of additional period of service)—

(a)in paragraph (1A) for “1st October 2008” substitute “1st October 2009”;

(b)for paragraph (1D) substitute—

(1D) Paragraphs (1E) to (1H) shall apply where an entitled officer becomes so entitled on, or after, 1st October 2009 but before 1st October 2011.

(1E) The additional period of service an entitled officer shall be credited with where regulation 5(5A) does not apply to him at 30th September 2006, shall be equal to U and determined by the formula—

S - T = U


  • S (except where paragraph (1F) applies) is the additional service he would have been credited with applying paragraph (1)(a) or, as the case may be, (1)(b) to his service at 30th September 2006 as if he became so entitled at that date; and

  • T is the period commencing on, or after, 1st October 2006 and ending on the day on which he does in fact become so entitled.

(1F) For the purposes of paragraph (1E) only, where the additional service an entitled officer would have been credited with applying paragraph (1)(a) or, as the case may be, (1)(b) to his service at 30th September 2006 as if he became so entitled at that date is greater than 5 years (but not otherwise)—

(a)the excess over 5 years shall be reduced at the rate of 1/24th for each complete month commencing on, or after, 1st October 2009 and ending on the date on which he does in fact become so entitled (with any part day being rounded up to the nearest whole day) (“the relevant fraction”); and

(b)the result shall be S.

(1G) Where regulation 5(5A) does apply to an entitled officer as at 30th September 2006—

(a)the additional period of service he shall be credited with shall be equal to S (as defined in paragraph (1E)); and

(b)the amount of compensation payable to him shall be determined in accordance with that regulation except that the “relevant amount” referred to in that regulation shall be reduced by amount X.

(1H) Amount X shall be—

(a)V (except where sub-paragraph (b) applies);

(b)the product of V+W where the additional service a member would be credited with applying paragraph (1)(a) or, as the case may be, (1)(b) to his service at 30th September 2006 as if he became so entitled at that date is greater than 5 years (but not otherwise),


and S and T have the same meaning as in paragraph (1E).

(1I) Where it is more beneficial to an entitled officer to whom paragraphs (1A) to (1C) of this regulation apply—

(a)those paragraphs shall be ignored; and

(b)he shall be credited with additional service calculated by applying paragraph (1)(a) or, as the case may be, (1)(b) to his service at 30th September 2006 and as if he became so entitled at that date..


S.R. 1983 No. 155 as amended by S.R. 2008 No. 96, regulation 4