(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order appoints 16th December 2011 for the coming into operation of Article 34 of the Education (Northern Ireland) Order 2006 and 1st September 2013 for the coming into operation of Articles 18, 19, 20 and 22 of the Education (Northern Ireland) Order 2006.

Article 18 requires Boards of Governors to provide pupils in key stage 4 with access to a minimum number of qualifying courses leading to qualifications approved by the Department. The Department will, separately, specify the number of courses but at least one third must be applied courses and one third general. At least one course must fall within each area of learning for key stage 4 as set out in Part IV of Schedule 1 of the 2006 Order, and at least one must be a course in an official language of the European Union, other than English and, in Irish-speaking schools, Irish. Schools can meet this requirement if the course is provided by the school itself or on behalf of the school under arrangements made with others under Article 21, which is already commenced.

Article 19 requires Boards of Governors to provide pupils over compulsory school age with access to a minimum number of qualifying courses leading to qualifications approved by the Department. The Department will, separately, specify the number of courses but at least one third must be applied courses and one third general. Schools can meet this requirement if the course is provided by the school itself or on behalf of the school under arrangements made with others under Article 21, which is already commenced.

Article 20 requires the Department to issue lists of applied and general courses and to revise these as necessary.

Article 22 enables the Department, following consultation, to give directions providing for some or all of Articles 18 and/or 19 to be modified or disapplied in certain cases.

Article 34 requires Boards of Governors to arrange for the provision of suitable education for registered pupils of the school when they are suspended.