Deposit of substances or objects6.
This regulation applies in relation to applications for licences and licences granted to carry on a licensable marine activity which falls within items 1, 2 or 3 (deposit of substances or objects).
The additional particulars are—
the description, composition and quantity of the substance or object to be deposited;
the name and description of any vehicle, vessel, aircraft, marine structure or floating container from which the deposit is to be made, and in the case of any vessel, its registration number and country of registration;
the name and co-ordinates of the location at which the deposit is to be made;
where the activity falls within item 3, the name, latitude and longitude of the location where the loading is to take place; and
in the case of a deposit made for the purpose of disposal, details of any alternative methods of disposal considered by the applicant and the reason for seeking to deposit the substance or object in the sea.