Article 2

SCHEDULEProvisions coming into operation on 22nd June 2012 for the purposes only of making Regulations

Provisions of the ActSubject Matter
Section 1Operators’ licences
Section 4Vehicles authorised to be used under operator’s licence
Section 7Application for operators’ licences
Section 8Notification of events subsequent to the making of an application
Section 9Publication by Department of notice of application for licence
Section 10Publication in locality affected of notice of application for licence
Section 11Objections to, and representations against, issue of operators’ licences
Section 12Determination of applications for operators’ licences
Section 13Determination where objections etc are made on environmental grounds
Section 16Variation of operators’ licences
Section 17Publication of notice of applications for variation in any locality affected
Section 18Objection to, and refusal of, applications to vary operators’ licences on environmental grounds
Section 20Conditions of licences
Section 27Periods of review for operating centres
Section 28Power to remove operating centres on review
Section 31Determinations as to environmental matters
Section 32Power of Department to hold inquiries
Section 34Review of decisions
Section 47Fees
Section 48Operators’ licences not to be transferable
Section 49Certificates of qualification
Section 52Application of Act to holding companies and subsidiaries
Section 53Application of Act to partnerships
Schedule 1 and section 30 so far as it relates to itTransfer of operating centres
Schedule 2 and section 44 so far as it relates to itDetention of vehicle used without operator’s licence