SCHEDULE 1Meetings and proceedings of the Safeguarding Board

Regulation 10


The first meeting of the Safeguarding Board shall be held on such day and at such place as may be fixed by the Chair, and he shall be responsible for convening the meeting.


The Safeguarding Board shall meet at least four times each year.



The Chair may call a meeting of the Safeguarding Board at any time.


If a requisition for a meeting, signed by at least three quarters of the members (rounded up to a whole number) is presented to the Chair, the Chair must within 14 days after the requisition has been presented to him, call a meeting unless the reason for not calling the meeting has been approved by the Department.


At any meeting of the Safeguarding Board the Chair, or in his absence the deputy Chair (if there is one and he is present) shall preside.

Notice of meeting4


Before each meeting of the Safeguarding Board, a notice of the meeting which—


specifies the business proposed to be transacted at it; and


is signed by the Chair or by an officer of the Safeguarding Board authorised by the Chair to sign on his behalf,

shall be served on each member, so as to be available to him at least seven clear days before the meeting.


The proceedings of any meeting shall not be invalidated by a failure to serve notice to any member.

Exclusion of public from meetings5

The Safeguarding Board may, by resolution, exclude the public from a meeting of the Safeguarding Board (whether during the whole or part of the proceedings at the meeting) where the Safeguarding Board is satisfied that it is necessary to do so by reason of—


the confidential nature of the business to be transacted at the meeting;


the need to safeguard the welfare of any child;


the need to protect a person's private life; or


the need to avoid the risk of injustice in any legal proceedings.


Every decision at a meeting shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting on the question and, in the case of an equality of votes, the Chair, or in his absence, the deputy Chair, shall have a second and casting vote.


The names of members present at a meeting shall be recorded.



F2Subject to paragraph (1A), no business shall be transacted at a meeting unless at least two thirds (rounded up to a whole number) of the members including the Chair or deputy Chair are present.


In exceptional circumstances, where more than one third of the total membership declares an interest under paragraph 9 (Declaration of interest), the quorum requirement will be satisfied if two thirds (rounded up to a whole number) of the remaining members are present.


If a meeting is not quorate the Chair shall convene a further meeting within a period of one month from and including the date on which the meeting was scheduled to have taken place.

Declaration of interest9


If the Chair or a member of the Safeguarding Board has an interest in any matter to be considered at a meeting or is associated with a person who has such an interest he shall declare it accordingly at the meeting and as soon as practicable after its commencement.


The Chair or any member who has, pursuant to sub-paragraph (1), declared an interest shall not take part in the consideration and discussion of the matter or be present at the consideration or discussion of that matter or the voting on it.

Minutes of proceedings10

The minutes of the proceedings of a meeting shall be drawn up and submitted for agreement at the next ensuing meeting where they shall be signed by the Chair or deputy Chair.