PART 6 N.I.Dispute Resolution

34.—(1) Either the landlord or the tenant may apply to the scheme administrator, within 10 working days of an adjudicator giving notice of a decision under regulation 33, for review of that decision but only on the grounds that the adjudicator has erred in fact or in law (or both).

(2) On receipt of such an application the scheme administrator must decide whether to accept or reject it, but may not accept it without inviting written representations from the other party to the dispute to enable the scheme administrator to consider whether the adjudicator may have erred in fact or in law (or both).

(3) Where an application for review by a landlord or tenant is rejected by the scheme administrator, no further application by that person for review of the adjudicator's decision must be accepted.

(4) Where an application for review is rejected by the scheme administrator, the scheme administrator must repay the tenancy deposit as soon as is reasonably practicable but not before the expiry of the time within which the other party may apply for review under paragraph (1).