Registration of still-births without reference to the Coroner

Certificate of evidence of a still-birth15

The form of a certificate to be given in pursuance of Article 15(3) of the 1976 Order by a registered medical practitioner or a midwife present at a still-birth, or who has examined the body of a still-born child, shall be Form 7.

Particulars to be registered concerning a still- birth16


Subject to the provisions of this regulation, the particulars to be registered concerning a still-birth shall be those particulars required to be entered in Form 2 F1, 2A or 2B .


Subject to paragraph (3), the provisions of regulations 10, 11 and 12(4) shall, with any necessary modifications, apply to completing Form 2 F2, 2A or 2B as they apply to completing Form 1, F21A or 1B but a qualified informant shall not be required to verify particulars of the cause of the still-birth.


The cause of still-birth shall be entered as stated in the certificate given by the registered medical practitioner or midwife, followed by the word ‘Certified’.