The Road Passenger Transport (Qualifications of Operators) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2014

Professional competence: certification

6.—(1) A person shall only be regarded as professionally competent if—

(a)that person has demonstrated that he possesses the requisite skills by passing a written examination organised by an approved body and is the holder of an original certificate to that effect issued by that body; or

(b)that person is the holder of any other equivalent certificate of competence, diploma or other qualification recognised for the purposes of this paragraph by the Department.

(2) The approved body may exempt a person from certain parts of the examination mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) if the person is the holder of a certificate of competence, diploma or other qualification which covers those parts and which is recognised for the purposes of this paragraph by the Department.

(3) The written examination mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) may be supplemented by an oral examination organised by the approved body in the form set out in Annex I to the 2009 Regulation.

(4) In this regulation—

“approved body” has the same meaning as in section 46D(4) of the 1967 Act; and

“the requisite skills” means knowledge corresponding to the level of training, for either national or international transport operations as the case may be, provided for in Annex I to the 2009 Regulation in the subjects there listed.