PART 2Taxi driver’s licences

Application Fee

3.  An application for a taxi driver’s licence shall be accompanied by—

(a)in the case of a first taxi driver’s licence, a fee of £140; or

(b)in the case of a renewal of a taxi driver’s licence, a fee of £105.

Grant of a taxi driver’s licence

4.—(1) Subject to regulation 21 and section 23 of the Act, the Department shall grant a taxi driver’s licence to a person where on application—

(a)for a taxi driver’s licence for the first time, the person satisfies the Department that they have passed a test of competence to drive a taxi;

(b)for the renewal of a taxi driver’s licence—

(i)in the case where on the date of the application it has been 2 years or less since the date of expiry of their previous taxi driver’s licence, the person provides evidence that they have successfully completed the amount of periodic training specified in column (2) of the Table in accordance with the expiry of the licence specified in column (1) of the Table; or

(ii)in the case where on the date of the application it has been more than 2 years since the date of expiry of their previous taxi driver’s licence the person—

(aa)satisfies the Department that they have passed the test of competence to drive a taxi; and

(bb)provides written evidence that they have successfully completed the amount of periodic training specified in column (2) of the Table in accordance with the date of the expiry of the licence specified in column (1) of the Table.

(2) In this regulation “periodic training” means attendance at an approved training course delivered by a training provider authorised by the Department for this purpose, for a minimum of 35 hours every 5 years, of which at least 3 ½ hours must be disability awareness training.


Column (1)

taxi driver’s licence expires

Column (2)

Periodic Training required

1st September 2015 – 31st August 2016Nil
1st September 2016 – 31st August 20177 Hours
1st September 2017 – 31st August 201814 Hours
1st September 2018 – 31st August 201921 Hours
1st September 2019 – 31st August 202028 Hours
1st September 2020 onwards35 Hours (within 5 years immediately preceding the date of application for a taxi driver’s licence)

Grant of a duplicate taxi driver’s licence to replace lost, stolen, defaced or destroyed taxi driver’s licence

5.—(1) If the holder of a taxi driver’s licence satisfies the Department that the taxi driver’s licence has been lost, stolen, accidentally defaced or destroyed, the Department shall grant to them a duplicate taxi driver’s licence for the remainder of the period for which the original was granted, on payment of a fee of £19.00.

(2) In the case of the loss or theft of a taxi driver’s licence, if at any time after the issue of a duplicate taxi driver’s licence the original taxi driver’s licence is found, the taxi driver’s licence holder shall return it to the Department or to a police station.

Conditions of taxi driver’s licence

6.—(1) If the holder of a taxi driver’s licence changes their address, they shall communicate particulars of the change to the Department.

(2) If the holder of a taxi driver’s licence is convicted of any offence, or is disqualified under Article 35, 40 or 41 of the Road Traffic Offenders (Northern Ireland) Order 1996(1) from holding or obtaining a driver’s licence to drive a motor vehicle granted under Article 13(1) of the 1981 Order or under any corresponding law in Great Britain they shall communicate immediately in writing particulars of the conviction or disqualification to the Department.

(3) The holder of a taxi driver’s licence shall, if requested by the Department, furnish during the currency of the taxi driver’s licence, a medical report, signed by a registered medical practitioner, in such form as the Department may require.