Consultation and notification before depositing proposals3


Where a council proposes to make or alter a scheme, it must consult—


where its proposals would permit any development which in its opinion falls within a description mentioned in Part 1 of Schedule 3 to the Planning (General Development Procedure) Order (Northern Ireland) 20152, the person named as consultee in relation to that development;


the council for any district which adjoins that of the council carrying out the consultation;



any owner of land proposed to be included in the scheme, except where the council has failed to ascertain their names and addresses after taking all reasonable steps to that end; or


any occupier of land proposed to be included in the scheme, except where the council has failed to ascertain the relevant address after taking all reasonable steps to that end; and


the Department of Social Development where the land proposed to be included in the scheme is, or is proposed to be, included in a development scheme under Part VII of the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 19913.


The council must consider any representations made by the consultees before finally determining the content of the proposals.


When the council begins the consultations mentioned in paragraph (1), it must at the same time notify the Department that it is proposing to make or alter a scheme and of the content of its proposals.