2015 No. 201

Access To Justice

The Civil Legal Services (Remuneration) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015


Coming into operation

The Department of Justice makes the following Order in exercise of the powers conferred by Articles 12(3) and 47 of the Access to Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 M1, and now vested in it M2.

In accordance with Article 47(2)(a) of the 2003 Order, the Department has consulted with the Lord Chief Justice, the Law Society and the General Council of the Bar of Northern Ireland.

In accordance with Article 47(1) of the 2003 Order, the Department has had regard to the matters specified in that provision.


Citation, commencement and revocations1


This Order may be cited as the Civil Legal Services (Remuneration) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015 and shall come into operation on 1st April 2015.


Subject to paragraph (3), the instruments set out in Schedule 1 to this Order shall be revoked to the extent shown in that Schedule.


Nothing in the provisions revoked by this Order shall take effect in relation to any of the circumstances to which the Article 3(1)(a) to (d) of the Access to Justice (2003 Order) (Commencement No. 7, Transitional Provisions and Savings) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015 M3 applies.


In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires—

  • “advice”, “assistance” and “representation” have the respective meanings given by Article 2(2) of the 2003 Order;

  • certificate” means a certificate granted under the General Regulations;

  • civil legal services” has the meaning given by Article 10 of the 2003 Order;

  • costs” means, in the case of a solicitor, the remuneration and disbursements payable under Article 12(3) of the 2003 Order and, in the case of counsel, the remuneration payable under that provision;

  • counsel” means counsel authorised by the Director under regulation 31 of the General Regulations and selected to act for an assisted person;

  • the Department” means the Department of Justice;

  • the Director” means the Director of Legal Aid Casework designated by the Department under section 2 of the Legal Aid and Coroners' Courts Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 M4;

  • disbursements” means travelling and witness expenses and other out of pocket expenses incurred by a solicitor in providing civil legal services;

  • fee-earner” means a solicitor or any clerk who regularly does work for which it is appropriate to make a direct charge to the client;

  • “the Financial Regulations” mean the Civil Legal Services (Financial) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 M5;

  • “the General Regulations” mean the Civil Legal Services (General) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 M6;

  • the 2003 Order” means the Access to Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2003;

  • “representation” (higher courts) and representation (lower courts) have the respective meanings given by regulation 2 of the General Regulations;

  • representative” means a solicitor or counsel.

Marginal Citations

2015 S.R. No. 196


2015 S.R. No. 195


This Order shall apply for the determination of the remuneration payable to representatives in respect of providing civil legal services—


where the application for advice and assistance under the General Regulations is signed on or after 1st April 2015; or


where the work is done under a certificate granted under the General Regulations on or after 1st April 2015.

Service of notices and documents4


Any document that is required to be sent to the Department under this Order may be sent—


by post or by personal delivery to an address specified by the Department; or


by electronic mail.


Any notice or document that is required to be sent to a representative under this Order may be sent—


by post to the postal address given by the representative as their address for service; or


by electronic mail.



Subject to paragraph (2), the remuneration payable to representatives in respect of work done providing civil legal services to which this Order applies shall be determined by the Department in accordance with this Order and having regard to such directions and guidance as may be issued by the Department.


Paragraph (1) shall not apply to:


proceedings in the county court, where the costs payable to the representative has been taxed by a district judge;


proceedings in the High Court or Court of Appeal, where the costs payable to the representative has been taxed by the taxing master;


proceedings in the Supreme Court, where the costs payable to the representative has been assessed by the Registrar to the Supreme Court.

Interim payments6


Paragraphs (1) to (8) of this Article apply only to—


work which is being funded by way of advice and assistance; or


proceedings which are being funded by way of representation (lower courts).


A solicitor may submit a claim to the Department for payment of a disbursement for which the solicitor has incurred liability in accordance with the provisions of this Article.


A claim for payment may be made where—


the disbursement falls within any guidance issued by the Department in respect of advice and assistance or representation (lower courts), or the solicitor has obtained prior authority from the Director under the General Regulations to incur the expenditure;


the total liability for such disbursement exceeds £500; and


the solicitor has discharged such liability.


Without prejudice to Article 10(4), a claim under paragraph (2) shall not exceed £2,500 or the maximum fee authorised under the prior authority, whichever is the greater.


A claim for payment under paragraph (2) may be made at any time before the solicitor submits a claim for remuneration under Article 8(2).


A claim under paragraph (2) shall be submitted to the Department in such form and manner as it may direct and shall be accompanied by the authority to incur the expenditure (if applicable) and any invoices or other documents in support of the claim.


The Department shall allow the disbursement, subject to the limit in paragraph (4), if it appears to have been reasonably incurred and discharged in accordance with the guidance or prior authority.


Where the Department allows the disbursement, it shall notify the solicitor and authorise payment to the solicitor accordingly.


Paragraphs (10) and (11) of this Article apply only to a case which is being funded by way of representation (higher courts).


A solicitor acting for an assisted person may apply to the Department for the payment of a sum on account of costs incurred or to be incurred in connection with the proceedings to which the certificate relates.


On considering the application, the Department may authorise an interim payment to the solicitor of the amount applied for or of such other sum as the Department considers appropriate in the circumstances pending the assessment by the Department or, as the case may be, the taxation of such costs.


Articles 13 to 15 (redetermination etc.) shall not apply to a payment under this Article.

Interim disbursements and final determination of costs7


On a final determination of costs, Articles 8(2) and (6)(e) and 10 shall apply notwithstanding that a payment has been made under Article 6.


Where the amount found to be due under Article 10 in respect of a disbursement is less than the amount paid under Article 6 (“the interim disbursement”), the Department shall deduct the difference from the sum otherwise payable to the solicitor on the determination of costs, and where the amount due under Article 10 exceeds the interim disbursement, the Department shall add the difference to the amount otherwise payable to the solicitor.

Claims for costs by representatives8


Subject to Article 5(2), claims for remuneration by representatives shall be made and determined in accordance with the provisions of this Article and Schedule 2 to 5 to this Order, as applicable.


Claims for disbursements by solicitors shall be made and determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 10.


Where counsel was authorised by the Director under the General Regulations, the claim submitted by a solicitor shall include any fees claimed by counsel.


Subject to Article 17, no claim by a solicitor for costs in respect of work provided by way of civil legal services shall be entertained unless it is submitted within three months from the date on which the advice and assistance was given or, as applicable, the conclusion of the proceedings to which the certificate relates.


Subject to paragraph (6), a claim for costs shall be submitted to the Department in such form and manner as it may direct and shall be accompanied by any receipts or other documents in support of any disbursement claimed.


A claim in respect of a case to which Schedule 4 applies shall—


summarise, where appropriate, the items of work done by the representative or other fee-earner in respect of which fees are claimed;


state the dates on which the items of work were done, the time taken where appropriate, the sums claimed and whether the work was done for more than one assisted person;


specify, where appropriate, the representative or other fee-earner who undertook each of the items of work claimed;


give particulars of any work done in relation to more than one claim or set of proceedings; and


specify any disbursements claimed, the circumstances in which they were incurred and the amounts claimed in respect of them.


Where there are any special circumstances which should be drawn to the attention of the Department, the solicitor shall specify them.


The solicitor shall supply such further particulars, information and documents as the Department may require.

Determination of representatives' remuneration9


The Department shall consider the claim, any further particulars, information or documents submitted by the solicitor under Article 8 and any other relevant information and shall allow such work as appears to it to have been reasonably undertaken and properly done.


The Department shall allow remuneration for work allowed by it under this Article in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 2 to 5 to this Order, as applicable.

Determination of solicitors' disbursements10


Subject to the provisions of this Article, the Department shall allow such disbursements claimed under Article 8 as appear to it to have been actually and reasonably incurred.


No question as to the propriety of any step or act in relation to which prior authority has been obtained under this Order shall be raised on any determination of costs, unless the solicitor knew or ought reasonably to have known that the purpose for which the authority was given had failed or had become irrelevant or unnecessary before the costs were incurred.


Where costs are reasonably incurred in accordance with and subject to the limit imposed by a prior authority given under this Order, no question shall be raised on any determination of costs as to the amount of the payment to be allowed for the step or act in relation to which the authority was given.


Where costs are incurred in taking any steps or doing any act for which authority may be given under this Order, without such authority having been given or in excess of any fee so authorised, payment in respect of those costs may nevertheless be allowed on a determination of costs.

Payment of remuneration11


Having determined the remuneration payable to a representative in accordance with this Order, the Department shall notify the representative of the costs payable and, subject to paragraph (2), authorise payment accordingly.


For proceedings falling within Article 5(2)(b) or (c), the sum authorised for payment by the Department shall be the full amount allowed on taxation of the costs on account of disbursements and ninety-five per cent of the amount so allowed in respect of the representative's remuneration.


Where the costs payable under paragraphs (1) or (2) are varied as a result of any review, redetermination or appeal made or brought pursuant to this Order or the relevant court rules, as applicable, then—


where the costs are increased, the Department shall authorise payment of the increase;


where the costs are decreased, the representative shall repay the amount of such decrease; and


where the payment of any costs to the representative is ordered under Article 14(15) or 15(9), the Department shall authorise such payment.

Reasons for Department's decisions12


Where a representative is dissatisfied with the calculation of the remuneration payable under Schedules 2 to 5, as applicable, the representative may request the Department to give reasons in writing for its decision and the Department shall comply with any such request.


Subject to Article 17, the request shall be made—


within 21 days of receiving notification of the costs payable under Article 11; and


in such form and manner as the Department may direct.


Clerical mistakes or errors arising from any accidental slip or omission, in the calculation of the remuneration under Article 9 or the determination of disbursements under Article 10 may be corrected by the Department without a redetermination under Article 13 or an appeal under Article 14, where applicable.

Redetermination of costs by Department13


Where a representative is dissatisfied with the calculation of the remuneration payable under Schedule 2, 3, 4 or 5 as applicable, the representative may apply to the Department to redetermine those costs.


Subject to Article 17, the application shall be made within 21 days of receiving notification of the remuneration payable under Article 11, by giving notice in writing to the Department specifying the matters in respect of which the application is made and the grounds of objection and shall be made in such form and manner as the Department may direct.


The notice of application shall be accompanied by the particulars, information and documents supplied under Article 8.


The applicant shall supply such further particulars, information and documents as the Department may require.


If the Department considers it necessary to receive oral representations, the Department shall inform the applicant of the date of any hearing and, subject to the provisions of this Article, may give directions as to the conduct of the hearing.


The Department shall redetermine the costs, whether by way of confirmation, or increase or decrease in the amount previously determined, in the light of the objections made by, or on behalf of, the applicant and shall notify the applicant of its decision.


The applicant may request the Department to give reasons in writing for its decision and the Department shall comply with any such request.


Subject to Article 17, any request under paragraph (7) shall be made within 21 days of receiving notification of the decision.

Appeals to the taxing master14


This Article applies only to claims in respect of proceedings to which Schedule 4 applies and the remuneration payable has been determined by the Department under Article 5(1).


Where the Department has given its reasons for its decision under Article 13, a representative who is dissatisfied with that decision may appeal to the taxing master.


Subject to Article 17, an appeal shall be instituted within 21 days of receiving the Department's reasons, by giving notice in writing to the taxing master.


The appellant shall send a copy of any notice given under paragraph (3) to the Department.


The notice of appeal shall be accompanied by—


a copy of the written representations given under Article 13(2);


the Department's reasons for its decision given under Article 13(7); and


the particulars, information and documents supplied to the Department under Article 13.


The notice of appeal shall:


be in such form as the taxing master may direct;


specify separately each item appealed against, showing (where appropriate) the amount claimed for the item, the amount determined and the grounds of the objection to the determination; and


state whether the appellant wishes to appear or to be represented or whether they will accept a decision given in their absence.


The taxing master may, and if so directed by the Department either generally or in a particular case shall, send to the Department a copy of the notice of appeal together with copies of such other documents as the Department may require.


With a view to ensuring that the public interest is taken into account, the Department may arrange for written or oral representations to be made on its behalf and, if it intends to do so, the Department shall inform the taxing master and the appellant.


Any written representations made on behalf of the Department under paragraph (8) shall be sent to the taxing master and the appellant and, in the case of oral representations, the taxing master and the appellant shall be informed of the grounds on which such representations will be made.


The appellant shall be permitted a reasonable opportunity to make representations in reply.


The taxing master shall inform the appellant (or their representative) and the Department, where representations have been or are to be made on its behalf, of the date of any hearing and, subject to the provisions of this Article, may give directions as to the conduct of the appeal.


The taxing master may consult the trial judge or the Department and may require the appellant to provide any further information required for the purpose of the appeal and, unless the taxing master otherwise directs, no further evidence shall be received on the hearing of the appeal and no ground of objection shall be valid which was not raised under Article 13.


The taxing master shall have the same powers as the Department under this Order and, in the exercise of such powers, may alter the redetermination of the Department in respect of any sum allowed, whether by increase or decrease.


The taxing master shall communicate the decision and the reasons for it in writing to the appellant, the Department and the Legal Services Agency.


Except where the taxing master confirms or decreases the sums redetermined under Article 13, the taxing master may allow the appellant a sum in respect of part or all of any reasonable costs (including any fee payable in respect of an appeal) incurred by the appellant in connection with the appeal.

Appeals to the High Court15


This Article applies only to claims in respect of proceedings to which Schedule 4 applies and the remuneration payable has been determined by the Department under Article 5(1).


A representative who is dissatisfied with the decision of the taxing master on an appeal under Article 14 may apply to the taxing master to certify a point of principle of general importance; provided that, if the taxing master refuses such application, the representative may renew the application before a judge of the High Court.


Subject to Article 17, an application under paragraph (2) shall be made within 21 days of receiving notification of the taxing master's decision under Article 14(14).


Where the taxing master or judge certifies a point of principle of general importance, the representative may appeal to the High Court against the decision of the taxing master on an appeal under Article 14, and the Department shall be a respondent to such an appeal.


Subject to Article 17, an appeal under paragraph (4) shall be instituted within 21 days of receiving the certificate under paragraph (2).


Where the Department is dissatisfied with the decision of the taxing master on an appeal under Article 14, it may, if no appeal has been made by the representative under paragraph (4), appeal to the High Court against that decision, and the representative shall be a respondent to the appeal.


Subject to Article 17, an appeal under paragraph (6) shall be instituted within 21 days of receiving notification of the taxing master's decision under Article 14(14).


The decision of the High Court on an appeal under paragraphs (2), (4) or (6) shall be final.


The judge shall have the same powers as the Department and the taxing master under this Order and may reverse, affirm or amend the decision appealed against or make such other order as the judge thinks fit.

Restriction on payment16

Where a certificate has been granted in respect of any proceedings to which this Order applies, a representative shall not receive or be a party to the making of any payment for work done in connection with those proceedings except such payments as may be made—


by the Department; or


in respect of any expenses or fees incurred in preparing, obtaining or considering any report, opinion or further evidence, whether provided by an expert witness or otherwise, where an application under the General Regulations for an authority to incur such expenses or fees has been refused by the Director.

Time limits17


Subject to paragraph (2), the time limit within which any act is required or authorised to be done under this Order may, for good reason, be extended—


in the case of acts required or authorised to be done under Article 14 or 15, by the taxing master or the High Court as the case may be; and


in the case of acts required or authorised to be done by a representative under any other Article, by the Department.


Where a representative without good reason has failed (or, if an extension were not granted, would fail) to comply with a time limit, the Department, the taxing master or the High Court, as the case may be, may, in exceptional circumstances, extend the time limit and shall consider whether it is reasonable in the circumstances to reduce the remuneration, provided that the remuneration shall not be reduced unless the representative has been permitted a reasonable opportunity to show cause orally or in writing why the remuneration should not be reduced.


In carrying out the functions described in this Article, the Department, the taxing master or the High Court, as the case may be, shall have regard to any guidance given by the Department about the carrying out of those functions.


A representative may appeal to the taxing master against a decision made under this Article by the Department and such an appeal shall be instituted within 21 days of receiving notification of the decision by giving notice in writing to the taxing master specifying the grounds of appeal.



The Department shall keep the general operation of this Order under review to ensure that it is consistent with the requirements of Article 47 of the 2003 Order.


Without prejudice to paragraph (1), the Department shall conduct a formal review of the levels of the prescribed remuneration under this Order at least once in every review period.


Where the Department has conducted a review under this Article, it shall publish the result of the review—


as soon as is reasonably practicable;


in such form as it considers appropriate; and


together with any proposals it may have with respect to the matters reviewed.


When conducting a review under this Article, the Department shall have regard, among the matters which are relevant, to—


any representations made by the Lord Chief Justice, the Attorney General, the Law Society of Northern Ireland, the General Council of the Bar of Northern Ireland and the Director; and


any other representations which it considers to be relevant.


In paragraph (2) “review period” means the period of three years beginning with the commencement of this Order and each subsequent period of three years.

Interim fees19


This Article applies where it appears to the Department that a certificate has been granted, or may be granted, under the General Regulations for certain proceedings falling within civil legal services and the provisions of this Order do not include a fee for those proceedings.


The Department must set an interim fee for those services pending a fee (“the prescribed fee”) being prescribed by the Department under this Order.


If the prescribed fee exceeds the interim fee, the Department shall pay the outstanding balance to any representative who was paid the interim fee set under paragraph (2).


If the prescribed fee is less than the interim fee, the Department shall recover the overpayment from the representative under this Article.

Sealed with the Official Seal of the Department of Justice on 31st March 2015

David Ford Minister of Justice

SCHEDULE 1Instruments Revoked

Article 1(2)


Registered Number

Regulations Revoked

The Legal Aid (General) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1965

No. 217

Regulations 19 to 21, 21A(4) to (7), 22 to 25 and 27

Legal Aid (Remuneration of Solicitors and Counsel in County Court Proceedings) Order (Northern Ireland) 1981

No. 179

The whole instrument

Legal Aid (Remuneration of Solicitors and Counsel in Authorised Summary Proceedings) Order (Northern Ireland) 1981

No. 365

The whole instrument

The Legal Advice and Assistance Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1981

No. 366

Regulation 23


Article 9

PART 1General


This Schedule applies to the determination of the remuneration payable to solicitors for providing advice and assistance, including those matters in which the Director has granted an extension under regulation 32 of the General Regulations.


Where the remuneration or fees properly chargeable for the advice and assistance including charges for disbursements exceed any contribution payable by the client to the solicitor under Part 3 of the Financial Regulations together with the value of any charge arising under Article 17(7) of the 2003 Order, the solicitor shall submit a claim to the Department requesting payment of the deficiency.



The Department shall determine the claim submitted under Article 8 in accordance with the rates or fees set out in Part 2 or 3 of this Schedule, as applicable, and pay the assessed deficiency, if any, to the solicitor.


In this paragraph “assessed deficiency” means the amount by which the sum allowed to the solicitor by the Department in assessing the claim under sub-paragraph (1) exceeds any contribution payable by the client to the solicitor under Part 3 of the Financial Regulations together with the value of any charge arising under Article 17(7) of the 2003 Order.

PART 2Non-PACE matters

Table 1:Solicitor – Hourly Rates

Work Type



£43.25 per hour

Letters/Telephone calls

£3.35 per hour

Travel and waiting time

£24.25 per hour

Mileage rate

35.7p per mile

Guide to Case Management in Public Law Children Order Proceedings (Article 50)

Table 2:Solicitor – Composite Fees

Work Type

Composite Fee

Advice given to parent in relation to Letter Before Proceedings (LBP)


Preparation and Attendance with Parent at Pre-Proceedings Meeting (PPM)


All preparation work up to, and including, review of case by a single Parole Commissioner under Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2008

M7Table 3:Solicitor – Standard Fees

Work Type – Stage 1

Standard Fee

Prisoner serving a Determinate Custodial

Sentence (DCS)


Prisoner serving an Extended Custodial

Sentence (ECS)


Prisoner serving an Indeterminate Custodial

Sentence (ICS)


PART 3Police and Criminal Evidence (PACE) matters

Table 1:Solicitor – Hourly Rates

Work Type1


Normal Hours


£51.90 per hour

Letters/Telephone calls

£4.02 per item

Telephone advice

£23.70 per call

Travel and waiting time

£29.10 per hour

Mileage rate

42.8p per mile

Unsocial Hours2


£69.20 per hour

Letters/Telephone calls

£5.36 per item

Telephone advice

£31.60 per call

Travel and waiting time

£38.80 per hour

Mileage rate

42.8p per mile

1 This work relates to interviews conducted under the Police and Criminal Evidence (Northern Ireland) 1989 – S.I. 1989/1341 (N.I. 12)

2 Unsocial hours are defined as between 7.00pm and 9.00am on any weekday, or any time on a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday


Article 9

PART 1General


This Schedule applies to the determination of the remuneration payable to representatives for providing representation (lower courts).


Where the remuneration or fees properly chargeable for the representation including charges for disbursements exceed any contribution payable by the client to the solicitor under Part 3 of the Financial Regulations together with the value of any charge arising under Article 17(7) of the 2003 Order, the solicitor shall submit a claim to the Department requesting payment of the deficiency.



The Department shall determine the claim submitted under Article 8 in accordance with the rates or fees set out in the relevant Table in Part 2 or 3 of this Schedule, as applicable, and pay the assessed deficiency, if any, to the solicitor.


In this paragraph “assessed deficiency” means the amount by which the sum allowed to the representatives by the Department in assessing the claim under sub-paragraph (1) exceeds any contribution payable by the client to the solicitor under Part 3 of the Financial Regulations together with the value of any charge arising under Article 17(7) of the 2003 Order.

PART 2Family and Children Order Proceedings

Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 M8

Solicitor's remuneration can be claimed on the basis of either Hourly Rates (Table 1) or Composite Fees (Table 2), at the election of the solicitor

Table 1:Solicitor – Hourly Rates

Work Type



£58 per hour

Letters Written

£3.65 per item

Letters Received

£1.85 per item

Telephone Calls

£3.65 per call

Non Standard Telephone Call (over 5 minutes)

£58 per hour

Advocacy – Solicitor Alone

£64 per hour

Consultation with Counsel

£32.50 per hour

Advocacy – Solicitor attending Counsel

£32.50 per hour

Table 2:Solicitor – Composite Fees

Work Type

Composite Fee

Private Law


Public Law


Table 3:Counsel – Composite Fees

Work Type

Composite Fee

On an unopposed application or a procedural issue

Standard £76.25

Maximum £127

On the trial of a cause or matter, or the hearing of an application:

-Where the hearing lasts for up to half a day

Standard £140

Maximum £268

- Full Day

Standard £317.75

Maximum £508.50


£140 for each additional day


£35.50 per hour

Complex items of work (opinion, affidavits)

£82.75 per item

All other written work

£50.25 per item

The Family Homes and Domestic Violence (Northern Ireland) Order 1998 M9

Solicitor's remuneration can be claimed on the basis of either Hourly Rates (Table 4) or Composite Fees (Table 5), at the election of the solicitor

Table 4:Solicitor – Hourly Rates

Work Type



£58 per hour

Letters Written

£3.65 per item

Letters Received

£1.85 per item

Telephone Calls

£3.65 per call

Non Standard Telephone Call (over 5 minutes)

£58 per hour

Advocacy – Solicitor Alone

£64 per hour

Consultation with Counsel

£32.50 per hour

Advocacy – Solicitor attending Counsel

£32.50 per hour

Table 5:Solicitor – Composite Fees

Work Type

Composite Fee

Non-Molestation Order


Occupation Order


Non-Molestation/Occupation application withdrawn with undertakings


Non-Molestation and Occupation Order


Second Hearing – Contested


Second Hearing – Uncontested


Variation/Discharges – Contested


Variation/Discharges – Uncontested




Nominal Adjournment Fee – no court attendance




Summons not served


Letters Written

£3.65 per item

Letters Received

£1.85 per item

Telephone Calls

£3.65 per call

Non-routine telephone calls in excess of 5 minutes

£58 per hour

Table 6:Counsel – Composite Fees

Work Type

Composite Fee

On an unopposed application or a procedural issue

Standard £76.25

Maximum £127

On the trial of a cause or matter, or the hearing of an application:

- Where the hearing lasts for up to half a day

Standard £140

Maximum £268

- Full Day

Standard £317.75

Maximum £508.50

- Refresher

£140 for each additional day


£35.50 per hour

Complex items of work (opinion, affidavits)

£82.75 per item

All other written work

£50.25 per item

Domestic Proceedings (Northern Ireland) Order 1980

M10Table 7:Solicitor – Composite Fees

Work Type

Composite Fee

Separation and Maintenance


Variation of Maintenance


Case withdrawn at any stage before hearing and up to strikeout


Part Hearings


Adjourned Hearings:

- less than 20 minutes


- in excess of 20 minutes


Nominal Adjournment Fee – no court attendance


Dismissed Cases


Letters and telephone calls (not included in the basic fee)

£3.35 per item

Discontinued cases (no proceedings issued)

- advice less than one hour


- advice of one hour


- advice in excess of one hour


Table 8:Counsel – Composite Fees

Work Type

Composite Fee

On an unopposed application or a procedural issue

Standard £76.25

Maximum £127

On the trial of a cause or matter, or the hearing of an application:

- Where the hearing lasts for up to half a day

Standard £140

Maximum £268

- Full Day

Standard £317.75

Maximum £508.50

- Refresher

£140 for each additional day


£35.50 per hour

Complex items of work (opinions, affidavits)

£82.50 per hour

All other written work

£50.25 per item

PART 3Other Proceedings

Police and Criminal Evidence (Northern Ireland) Order 1989M11 and Terrorism Act 2000

M12Table 1:Solicitor – Composite Fees

Work Type

Composite Fee

All Proceedings


Proceedings before the Mental Health Review Tribunal

Table 2:Solicitor – Composite Fees

Work Type

Composite Fee

Preparation and Negotiation


Representation at Tribunal

£370 (per half day, or part thereof)

Adjourned Hearing


Hearings held under Article 10 or 11 of the Life Sentences (Northern Ireland) Order 2001

M13Table 3:Solicitor – Hourly Rate

Work Type


Hourly fees for all work

£100 per hour up to a maximum fee of £8001

1 If additional hours are authorised by the Department, they are payable at the same rate.

Table 4:Counsel – Composite Fees

Work Type

Junior Counsel

Senior Counsel

Composite fee



Other hearings before the Parole Commissioners

Table 5:Solicitor – Hourly Rate

Work Type


Hourly fees for all work

£100 per hour up to a maximum fee of £8001

1 If additional hours are authorised by the Department, they are payable at the same rate.

Table 6:Counsel – Composite Fees

Work Type

Junior Counsel

Senior Counsel

Composite Fee



Oral hearing before the Parole Commissioners under the Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2008

M14Table 7:Solicitor – Composite Fee

Work Type – Stage 2

Composite Fee

All case types


Proceedings under sections 295, 297, 298, 301 or 302 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002

Table 8:Solicitor – Composite Fees

Work Type

Composite Fee

Composite Fee


Second Hearing




Nominal Adjournment Fee – no court attendance




Letters and telephone calls

£3.65 per item / call

Non-routine telephone calls

£58 per hour

1 The Composite Fee will remunerate a solicitor for all work associated with the particular case, excluding disbursements and VAT. The fee is taken to include up to the first 7 letters and telephone calls under 5 minutes. Any further letters or telephone calls can be claimed in addition to the composite fee provided they are itemised.

Table 9:Counsel – Composite Fees

Work Type

Composite Fee

On the trial of a cause or matter, or the hearing of an application

– Where the hearing lasts for up to half a day

Standard £140

Maximum £268

– Full Day

Standard £317.75

Maximum £508.50

Part Hearing (standard)


Part Hearing (maximum)



£140 for each additional day


£35.50 per hour

Complex items of work (opinions, affidavit)

£82.75 per item

All other written work

£50.25 per item

Proceedings regarding an order under sections 89, 90, 97, 100, 104, 108, 109, 114, 118, 123, 125 or 126 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003M15 and Proceedings under Articles 3 and 4 of the Anti-social Behaviour (Northern Ireland) Order 2004

M16Table 10:Interim Fees

Proceedings Type


Junior Counsel

All proceedings




Article 9

PART 1General


This Schedule applies to the determination of the remuneration payable to representatives for providing representation (higher courts).


The Department shall determine the claim submitted under Article 8 in accordance with the rates or fees set out in the relevant Table in Parts 2 to 6 of this Schedule, as applicable, and pay the assessed remuneration to the solicitor.


For proceedings listed within Part 2 of this Schedule, where a representative considers that the sum allowable under Table 1 or Table 2, as applicable, would not provide reasonable remuneration according to the work reasonably undertaken and properly done, the representative may apply to the judge before whom the proceedings took place for a certificate that for any reason including the exceptional length, difficulty or complexity of the proceedings the limitation on the sums allowable under Table 1 or Table 2, as applicable, shall not apply and where such certificate is granted the Department shall allow remuneration under Table 3 to 19, as applicable.


Where a judge has granted a certificate under paragraph 3, and there is a combination of proceedings heard together, the highest applicable composite fee will be payable with an additional payment of 30% of the composite fee in respect of the first related proceedings and an additional payment of 20% of the composite fee in respect of the second related proceedings.


For proceedings listed within Part 3 of this Schedule, where the costs have been taxed by a district judge, the Department will pay remuneration to the solicitor on foot of the taxed bill. If the proceedings are withdrawn, abandoned or discontinued the representative's claim will be assessed by the Department in accordance with Tables 1 to 4, as applicable.


For proceedings listed within Parts 4, 5 and 6 of this Schedule, the sums allowed to representatives in any proceedings shall, subject to Article 5(2)(a) and (b), be assessed by the Department in accordance with the Tables set out in the relevant Part, as applicable to the nature of the proceedings and the items of work in question.

PART 2Family and Children Order Proceedings – Family Care Centre

Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995M17 – including Children Order appeals from the Family Proceedings Court

Table 1:Solicitor – Hourly Rates

Work Type



£58 per hour

Letters Written

£3.65 per item

Letters Received

£1.85 per item

Telephone Calls

£3.65 per call

Non Standard Telephone Call (over 5 minutes)

£58 per hour

Advocacy – Solicitor Alone

£64 per hour

Consultation with Counsel

£32.50 per hour

Advocacy – Solicitor with Counsel

£32.50 per hour

Table 2:Counsel – Composite Fees

Work Type

Composite Fee

On an unopposed application or a procedural issue

Standard £76.25

Maximum £127

On the trial of a cause or matter, or the hearing of an application:

- Where the hearing lasts for up to half a day

Standard £140

Maximum £268

- Full Day

Standard £317.75

Maximum £508.50

- Refresher

£140 for each additional day


£35.50 per hour

Complex items of work (opinions, affidavits)

£82.75 per item

All other written work

£50.25 per item

Table 3:Children Order – Proceedings under Articles 44 and 50

Work Type

Solicitor's Composite Fee

Composite Fee


Additional Full Day


Additional Half Day


Judgment Fee


35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


Table 4:Children Order – All Other Proceedings

Work Type

Solicitor's Composite Fee

Composite Fee


Additional Full Day


Additional Half Day


Judgment Fee


35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


Table 5:Children Order – Appeals from the Family Proceedings Court – Proceedings under Articles 44 and 50

Work Type

Solicitor's Composite Fee

Composite Fee


Additional Full Day


Additional Half Day


Judgment Fee


35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


Table 6:Children Order – Appeals from the Family Proceedings Court – Re Other Proceedings

Work Type

Solicitor's Composite Fee

Composite fee


Additional Full Day


Additional Half Day


Judgment Fee


35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


Table 7:Proceedings under Adoption (Northern Ireland) Order 1987 M18 – Freeing Order

Work Type

Solicitor's Composite Fee

Composite Fee


Additional Full Day


Additional Half Day


Judgment Fee


35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


Table 8:Combined Proceedings – Freeing Order and Article 50

Work Type

Solicitor's Composite Fee

Composite Fee


Additional Full day


Additional Half Day


Judgment Fee


35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


Table 9:Adoption Order – Contested

Work Type

Solicitor's Composite Fee

Composite Fee


Additional Full Day


Additional Half Day


Judgment Fee


35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


Table 10:Adoption Order – Uncontested

Work Type

Solicitor's Composite Fee

Composite Fee


Additional Full Day


Additional Half Day


Judgment Fee


35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


Table 11:Proceedings under Family Homes and Domestic Violence (Northern Ireland) Order 1988 M19 –Non-Molestation / Occupation Order

Work Type

Solicitor's Composite Fee

Composite Fee


Additional Full Day


Additional Half day


Judgment Fee


35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred


Table 12:Children Order – All Proceedings

Item of Work

Junior Counsel

Senior Counsel

Brief Fee



Directions and Written Work



Refresher – Full Day



Refresher – Half Day



Judgment Fee



35% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred



20% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred



Table 13:Children Order – Appeals from the Family Proceedings Court – No New Evidence

Item of Work

Junior Counsel

Senior Counsel

Brief Fee



Directions and Written Work



Refresher – Full Day



Refresher – Half Day



Judgment Fee



35% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred



20% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred



Table 14:Children Order – Appeals from the Family Proceedings Court – New Evidence

Item of Work

Junior Counsel

Senior Counsel

Brief Fee



Directions and Written work



Refresher – Full Day



Refresher – Half Day



Judgment Fee



35% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred



20% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred



Table 15:Proceedings under Adoption (Northern Ireland) Order 1987 M20 – Freeing Order

Item of Work

Junior Counsel

Senior Counsel

Brief Fee



Directions and Written Work



Refresher – Full Day



Refresher – Half Day



Judgment Fee



35% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred



20% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred



Table 16:Combined Proceedings – Freeing Order and Article 50

Item of Work

Junior Counsel

Senior Counsel

Brief Fee



Directions and Written Work



Refresher – Full Day



Refresher – Half Day



Judgment Fee



35% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred



20% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred



Table 17:Adoption Order – Contested

Item of Work

Junior Counsel

Senior Counsel

Brief Fee



Directions and Written Work



Refresher – Full Day



Refresher – Half Day



Judgment Fee



35% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred



20% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred



Table 18:Adoption Order – Uncontested

Item of Work

Junior Counsel

Senior Counsel

Brief Fee



Directions and Written Work



Refresher – Full Day



Refresher – Half Day



Judgment Fee



35% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred



20% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred



Table 19:Proceedings under Family Homes and Domestic Violence (Northern Ireland) Order 1998 M21 –Non-Molestation / Occupation Order

Item of Work

Junior Counsel

Senior Counsel

Brief Fee



Directions and Written Work



Refresher – Full Day



Refresher – Half Day



Judgment Fee



35% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred



20% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred



PART 3Divorce and other Family Proceedings in the County Court

Table 1:Divorce – Matrimonial Causes (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 – Solicitor

Work Type


Hourly Rate

£30 per hour

Letters and Telephone Calls

£3.35 per item

Table 2:Committal Proceedings

Work Type1



Composite Fee2



Case withdrawn on morning of hearing

25% deduction applied

25% deduction applied

1 Where a case is withdrawn before a hearing date has been set, a time-based assessment of work carried out will be undertaken for the solicitor. Hourly rates – £30, letters and telephone calls – £3.35.

2 For each day or part of a day on which a hearing is continued after the first day, both solicitor and counsel in attendance are entitled to an additional sum equivalent to one third of counsel's fee.

Table 3:Adoption Proceedings

Work Type



Standard Fee1






1 An uplift of 50% on the basic fee will be payable to both Solicitor and Junior Counsel for each additional child involved with the same proceedings.

Table 4:Appeals from the Family Proceedings Court

Work Type



Standard Fee – irrespective of Full or Half day



Case withdrawn at hearing



Case withdrawn prior to hearing






PART 4Other Proceedings in the County Court

Table 1:Ordinary Civil Bill Scales – Plaintiff's and Defendant's Remuneration

Department's assessment of value of the claim



Does not exceed £1,000



Exceeds £1,000 but does not exceed £2,500



Exceeds £2,500 but does not exceed £5,000



Exceeds £5,000 but does not exceed £7,500



Exceeds £7,500 but does not exceed £10,000



Exceeds £10,000 but does not exceed £12,500



Exceeds £12,500 but does not exceed £15,000



Exceeds £15,000 but does not exceed £20,000



Exceeds £20,000 but does not exceed £25,000



Exceeds £25,000 but does not exceed £30,000



Drafting notice for, or replies to notice for, particulars – payable to either the solicitor or counsel


Drafting interrogatories, or answers to interrogatories, as certified by the judge



Additional Days

50% of solicitor's scale fee on the amount claimed or decreed, as appropriate, not exceeding £600

50% of counsel's scale fee on the amount claimed or decreed, as appropriate

Table 2:Equity Civil Bill Scales – Plaintiff's and Defendant's Remuneration

Where value of the personalty and / or lands

Solicitor's Fee

Counsel's Fee – for advising proceedings/defence, settling the equity civil bill and advising proofs

Counsel's Fee – on hearing of equity civil bill or petition

Does not exceed £5,000




Exceeds £5,000 but does not exceed £10,000




Exceeds £10,000 but does not exceed £15,000




Exceeds £15,000 but does not exceed £20,000




Exceeds £20,000 but does not exceed £25,000




Exceeds £25,000 but does not exceed £35,000




Exceeds £35,000 but does not exceed £45,000




Additional Days

50% of solicitor's scale fee on the amount claimed or decreed, as appropriate, not exceeding £600


50% of counsel's scale fee on the amount claimed or decreed, as appropriate

Table 3:Ejectment proceedings for the Recovery of property – Plaintiff's and Defendant's Remuneration

Item of Work



Proceedings for the recovery of possession of premises by a statutory body



In other cases, where valuation does not exceed £4,060



In other cases, where valuation exceeds £4,060



Additional days

50% of solicitor's scale fee on the amount claimed or decreed, as appropriate, not exceeding £600

50% of counsel's scale fee on the amount claimed or decreed, as appropriate

Table 4:Plaintiff's Remuneration in Remitted Actions

Amount decreed (or value of case as assessed by Department)



Does not exceed £1,000



Exceeds £1,000 but does not exceed £2,500



Exceeds £2,500 but does not exceed £5,000



Exceeds £5,000 but does not exceed £7,500



Exceeds £7,500 but does not exceed £10,000



Exceeds £10,000 but does not exceed £12,500



Exceeds £12,500 but does not exceed £15,000



Exceeds £15,000 but does not exceed £20,000



Exceeds £20,000 but does not exceed £25,000



Exceeds 25,000 but does not exceed £30,000



Drafting notice for, or replies to notice for, particulars –payable to either the solicitor or counsel


Drafting interrogatories, or answers to interrogatories, as certified by the judge



Additional Days

50% of solicitor's scale fee on the amount claimed or decreed, as appropriate, not exceeding £600

50% of counsel's scale fee on the amount claimed or decreed, as appropriate

Table 5:Defendant's Remuneration in Remitted Actions

Item of Work



Fee Payable



Drafting notice for, or replies to notice for, particulars –payable to either the solicitor or counsel, as certified by the judge


Additional Days

50% of solicitor's scale fee on the amount claimed or decreed, as appropriate, not exceeding £600

50% of counsel's scale fee on the amount claimed or decreed, as appropriate

Table 6:Interlocutory Applications

Item of Work



Instruction, drawing Notice of Motion etc.



Attending before Judge on notice or ex-parte



Drawing up list of documents under Order 15



Table 7:Occasional Costs

Item of Work


Affidavit of Service


Other Affidavit


Preparing Recognizance


Drawing, issuing and serving a witness summons


Drawing costs and copies

£6.74 per page

Attending taxation

£11.39 per hour

Table 8:Limited Certificates

Item of Work



Counsel's Opinion



- up to 5 pages



- up to 7 pages



Engineer's Report



Engineer's Report (no details provided)



Medical Report



Issue and service of Civil Bill, Replies and Discovery



Stamp Duty



Stamp Duty with other limitation






PART 5High Court Proceedings

High Court Bail Applications

Table 1:Standard Fees





Proceedings which have been withdrawn, abandoned or discontinued

Solicitor's remuneration can be claimed on the basis of either Composite Fees (Table 2), or Hourly Rates (Table 3), at the election of the solicitor

Table 2:Solicitor – Composite Fees

Department's assessment of value of the claim

After Writ

After Statement of Claim

After Defence

After Warned List

Within 21 Days of Trial

Does not exceed £14,999






£15,000 – £19,999






£20,000 – £24,999






£25,000 – £29,999






£30,000 – £34,999






£35,000 – £39,999






£40,000 – £44,999






£45,000 – £49,999






£50,000 – £54,999






£55,000 – £59,999






£60,000 – £64,999






£65,000 – £69,999






£70,000 – £74,999






£75,000 – £79,999






£80,000 – £84,999






£85,000 – £89,999






£90,000 – £94,999






£95,000 – £99,999






Table 3:Solicitor – Hourly Rates

Column header

Hourly Rate



Letters and Telephone Calls

£9.40 per item

Counsel's Fees – Pleadings and Interlocutory Matters

Table 4:Chancery Division

Item of Work



Statement of Claim




Defence and Counterclaim


Reply and Defence to Counterclaim




Table 5:Originating Proceedings

Item of Work

Originating Summons or Notice of Motion


Brief on Hearing of Summons or Ex-parte application


Minute of Judgment


Motion for Judgment


Table 6:Proceedings by Petition (not including divorce)

Item of Work

Petition or Answer


Other Pleadings


Brief on Hearing of Summons or Motion


Table 7:Queen's Bench Division

Item of Work

Writ (generally endorsed)


Writ (specially endorsed)


Statement of Claim (all cases)




Defence with Particulars


Defence and Counterclaim


Reply and Defence to Counterclaim




Third Party Notice


Brief on Ex-parte Hearing


Brief on Hearing of Summons or Motion


Special Appointments Hearing in Motion Court


Table 8:Family Division – Probate

Item of Work

Motion Paper






Brief on Ex-parte Hearing


Brief on Hearing of Summons or Motion


Statement of Claim or Defence


Defence and Counterclaim


Reply and Defence to Counterclaim




Table 9:Bankruptcy

Item of Work

Examination of Witnesses


Table 10:Judicial Review

Item of Work

Ex-parte docket


Order 53 Statement


Certificate of Urgency


Substantive Affidavit


Table 11:Ancillary Relief

Item of Work



Affidavit of Means etc.


Table 12:General

Item of Work

Affidavits (general)




Notice of Motion / Summons


Notice for Particulars or Answer thereto


Notice to Admit to Facts


Replies to Notice to Admit Facts


Interrogatories and Answers


Proofs (Liability Admitted)1


or Junior



Proofs (Liability Denied)1


or Junior



Supplementary Advice, where necessary


or Junior




Liability and quantum

Liability only

Quantum only






Notice of Appeal1


Consultation (including joint negotiations) up to one hour


Thereafter per half hour



Consultation (including joint negotiations) up to one hour

Junior (attending on senior)

Thereafter per half hour

Junior (without senior)

Thereafter per half hour





Appearance at Review/Application/Mention Hearing1

-less than 30 minutes






-up to 1 hour

Core Issues


Skeleton Argument


1 to include consultation (if any)

PART 6Other Proceedings

Asylum and Immigration Proceedings before the First-Tier Tribunal and the Upper Tribunal

Table 1:Solicitor – Composite Fees

Item of Work

Composite Fee

Representation at a Case Management Review Hearing for First-Tier Tribunal


First-Tier Tribunal (including first leave application)


Onward Appeal Hearing in Upper Tribunal (to include second leave application)


Adjourned hearings which are part-heard or re-listed to be concluded on a separate date

£170 per day

Appeal withdrawn prior to the substantive hearing (20% of fee)


Appeal withdrawn on the day of the substantive hearing (35% of fee)


Asylum and Immigration Bail Hearing



Article 9

PART 1General


This Schedule applies to the determination of the remuneration payable to representatives for providing civil legal services in relation to inquests funded under Article 12A of the 2003 Order.


The Department shall determine the claim submitted under Article 8 in accordance with the rates set out in the relevant Table in Part 2 of this Schedule and pay the assessed remuneration to the solicitor.

PART 2Remuneration payable in Inquest cases

Table 1:Solicitor's Fees

Work Type



£79.50 per hour

Hearing (including any Preliminary Hearings)

£63.38 per hour

Travelling time1

£24.75 per hour


35.7p per mile

1 The rates for travel and mileage will be paid on an actuals basis.

Table 2:Counsel's Fees

Work Type

Junior Counsel

Senior Counsel


£87.38 per hour

£179.25 per hour

Hearing (including any Preliminary Hearings)

£149.25 per hour

£386.25 per hour

Refresher Fees – Full Day



Travelling time1

£12 per hour

£12 per hour


35.7p per mile

35.7p per mile

1 The rates for travel and mileage will be paid on an actuals basis.

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order prescribes the remuneration payable to solicitors and counsel for providing civil legal services under Part 2 of the Access to Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2003.

The main body of this Order deals with the manner in which the remuneration is to be determined and paid. In part, the provisions draw on the corresponding provisions contained in subordinate legislation made under Part 2 of the Legal Aid, Advice and Assistance (Northern Ireland) Order 1981. Part 2 of the 1981 Order is being superseded by civil legal services as the new legislative framework for the public funding of legal services in civil matters.

Initial determinations in such cases will be undertaken by the Department of Justice. A system of redeterminations and appeals is provided for enabling solicitors and counsel to challenge the remuneration determined in a particular case.

Schedules 2 to 5 of this Order set out the levels of remuneration payable for the various categories of work involved, including the different forms of proceedings in each of the court tiers.

This Order also revokes the provisions regarding the costs payable to solicitors and counsel made under, or treated as made under, the Legal Aid, Advice and Assistance (Northern Ireland) Order 1981 (Article 1(2), together with Schedule 1).

This Order comes into operation on 1st April 2015.