
Applications for planning permission

3.—(1) An application for planning permission is to be made to the appropriate council or, as the case may be, the Department in accordance with this Article.

(2) An application for planning permission shall contain—

(a)a written description of the development to which it relates;

(b)the postal address of the land to which the development relates or, if the land in question has no postal address, a description of the location of the land; and

(c)the name and address of the applicant and, where an agent is acting on behalf of the applicant, the name and address of that agent.

(3) The application must be accompanied—

(a)by a plan—

(i)sufficient to identify the land to which it relates, and

(ii)showing the situation of the land in relation to the locality and in particular in relation to neighbouring land;

(b)by such other plans and drawings as are necessary to describe the development to which it relates;

(c)where any neighbouring land is owned by the applicant, by a plan identifying that land;

(d)by one or other of the certificates required under Article 9;

(e)where the application relates to development belonging to the category of major development, by a pre-application community consultation report;

(f)where required under Article 6, by an access statement or a design and access statement as appropriate;

(g)by 3 additional copies of the application, plans and drawings submitted with it, except where the council or, as the case may be, the Department indicates that a lesser number is required;

(h)where the application relates to Crown land by a statement that the application is made in respect of Crown land; and

(i)by any fee payable under the Fees Regulations.

(4) In the case of an application for outline planning permission, details need not be given of any proposed reserved matters.

(5) An application—

(a)for renewal of planning permission where—

(i)a planning permission was previously granted for development which has not yet begun, and

(ii)a time limit was imposed under section 61 (duration of planning permission) or section 62 (duration of outline planning permission) of the 2011 Act which has not yet expired;

(b)under section 54 (permission to develop land without compliance with conditions previously attached) of the 2011 Act,

shall be made in writing and give sufficient information to identify the previous grant of planning permission and any condition in question.

(6) The council or, as the case may be, the Department may by direction in writing addressed to the applicant require such further information as may be specified in the direction to enable it to determine any application.