PART 10Transfers

CHAPTER 4Transfer of pension account entries to another scheme manager

Transfer of pension account entries157


A member who has been provided with a certificate under paragraph (1), (2), (3) or (4) of regulation 154 (requirement for scheme manager to provide a certificate) must give the certificate to that member's new employer.


If the number of pension accounts in respect of which details have been provided by the former scheme manager under paragraph (1) or (2) of regulation 154 (requirement for scheme manager to provide a certificate) is greater than the number of active member's accounts established by the scheme manager for another authority, the member must decide, following consultation with that scheme manager, from which pension account entries should be transferred to the new active member's account of that other authority or accounts and notify that scheme manager of this.


Where paragraph (2) applies and there are one or more pension accounts from which entries are not transferred, those accounts must be closed and the scheme manager must establish a deferred member's account in respect of each of those accounts.


Where a member has taken up scheme employment with the Board and one or more other authorities and intends to make an added pension election, the member may choose to which scheme manager the certificate provided under paragraph (3) or (4) of regulation 154 (requirement for scheme manager to provide a certificate) is to be given.


The scheme manager is not required to make any payment to the scheme manager of another authority in connection with the transfer of pension account.