Amendment of Schedule 1 (ill health pensions)
15. In Schedule 1 after paragraph 3 add—
“4. Where a special deferred member or a special pensioner member is entitled to a retrospective award on ill-health retirement, paragraph 2 shall apply with the substitution of “45” for “60”, “30” for “40” and “special pensionable service” for “pensionable service”.
5.—(1) Where the person entitled to a lower tier ill-health pension or a higher tier ill-health pension is a special member, who is not also a standard member, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply with the substitution of “45” for “60”, “30” for “40” and “special pensionable service” for “pensionable service”.
(2) Where a person to whom sub-paragraph (1) of this paragraph applies is a retained firefighter, sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph 1 shall apply with the insertion after “actual annual pensionable pay” of “during his special pensionable service”.
6. In the case of a person who joined this Scheme as a special pensioner member or a special deferred member his final pensionable pay is the amount determined by the Board and set out in the notice given under article 65A(13) of Part 11.”.