The Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016


(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations amend the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999 (“the 1999 Regulations”) to increase the speed threshold at which category T tractors are required to comply with higher standards of vehicle construction and use under the 1999 Regulations from 20 mph to 40 km/h in respect of the following components and characteristics—

  • Braking systems (regulation 2(3) and (4))

  • Maintenance and efficiency of brakes (regulation 2(5))

  • Springs and resilient material (regulation 2(6))

  • Tyres (regulation 2(7))

  • Tyre loads and speed ratings (regulation 2(8))

  • Condition and maintenance of tyres (regulation 2(9))

  • Glass (regulation 2(10))

  • Mirrors and other devices for indirect vision (regulation 2(11))

  • Windscreen wipers and washers (regulation 2(12))

  • Speedometers (regulation 2(13))

  • Audible warning instruments (regulation 2(14))

  • Noise limits (regulation 2(15) and (16))

  • Emissions (regulation 2(17))

  • Wings (regulation 2(18))

  • Vehicle combination weights (regulation 2(19))

  • Wheel and axle weights paragraph (regulation 2(20))

Category T tractors are vehicles in “category T”, which is defined in Article 4(1) of Regulation (EU) No. 167/2013 and includes wheeled agricultural and forestry vehicles.

The speed threshold at which most agricultural trailers are required to comply with higher braking standards is increased from 20 mph to 40 km/h (regulation 2(3)).

The Regulations also amend the 1999 Regulations to increase the maximum authorised laden weight of a combination comprising a category T tractor and a single agricultural trailer (other than an agricultural trailed appliance conveyor or a wheeled unbalanced agricultural trailer where the distance between the rearmost axle of the unbalanced trailer and the rearmost axle of the drawing vehicle does not exceed 2.9 metres) from 24, 390 kg to 31, 000 kg (regulation 2(19)).

An Explanatory Memorandum has been produced and is available from Road Safety and Vehicle Regulation Division, Department of the Environment, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Town Parks, Belfast BT2 8GB or online alongside this Rule at

These Regulations have been notified to the European Commission pursuant to European Parliament and Council Directive 98/34/EC of 22nd June 1998 (O.J. No. L204, 21.7.98, p. 37) as amended by European Parliament and Council Directive 98/48/EC of 20th July 1998 (O.J. No. L217, 5.8.98, p. 18) laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on Information Society Services.