SCHEDULE 6Deductions from benefit in respect of child support maintenance and payment to persons with care
Subject to the following provisions of this paragraph and to paragraph 5, the Department may deduct from any specified benefit awarded to a beneficiary, an amount equal to the amount of maintenance and any fee which is payable by the beneficiary and pay the amount deducted to or among the person or persons with care in discharge (in whole or in part) of the liability to pay maintenance, and retain any amount deducted in discharge of any liability to pay a fee.
A deduction for maintenance and fees may only be made from one specified benefit in respect of the same period.
No amount may be deducted under this Schedule from any employment and support allowance or any jobseeker's allowance awarded to the claimant if that would reduce the amount of the benefit payable to the claimant to less than 10 pence.
No amount may be deducted under this Schedule from any universal credit awarded to the claimant if that would reduce the amount payable to the claimant to less than one penny.