Regulation 18(1)(a)
This schedule has no associated Explanatory Memorandum
1. The name and address of the owner of the installation.N.I.
2. The maximum number of persons—N.I.
(a)expected to be on the installation at any time;
(b)that may, in normal operating conditions and within design constraints, be on the installation at any time; and
(c)for whom accommodation is to be provided.
3. A copy of the owner’s corporate major accident prevention policy, where the operator is required to have one.N.I.
4. A summary of any worker involvement in the preparation of the safety case, including how any safety representatives for that installation were consulted with regard to the revision, review or preparation of the safety case pursuant to regulation 23(2)(c)(i) of the Offshore Installations (Safety Representatives and Safety Committees) Regulations 1989.N.I.
5. An adequate description of the owner’s safety and environmental management system, including information from it that is relevant to the non-production installation.N.I.
6. A description of the verification scheme which complies with regulation 13(1).N.I.
7. A description of the main requirements in the specification for the design of the installation and its plant, which shall include—N.I.
(a)any limits for safe operation or use specified therein;
(b)a description of how the owner has ensured, or will ensure, compliance with regulation 4 of the Offshore Installations and Wells (Design and Construction, etc.) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1996;
(c)a description of how the owner has ensured, or will ensure, the suitability of the safety and environmental-critical elements; and
(d)any relevant codes, standards and guidance used in the construction and commissioning of the installation.
8. Particulars of—N.I.
(a)the limits of the environmental and meteorological conditions beyond which the installation cannot safely be stationed or operated;
(b)the properties of the seabed and subsoil which are necessary for the safe stationing and operation of the installation; and
(c)the locations in which the installation may be stationed and operated safely.
9. A description of the arrangements for—N.I.
(a)identifying the risks from seabed and marine hazards, including the routes and locations of pipelines, moorings of adjacent installations, wells and other subsea equipment; and
(b)assessing the risks that they pose to the installation.
10. A description, with suitable diagrams, of the installation, including a description of—N.I.
(a)the main and secondary structure of the installation and its materials;
(b)its plant;
(c)the layout and configuration of its plant; and
(d)in the case of a mobile installation, its means of transfer between locations and its stationing system.
11. Particulars of the types of operation, and activities in connection with an operation, which the installation is capable of performing.N.I.
12. Particulars of the plant and arrangements for the control of—N.I.
(a)any well operations, including those—
(i)to control pressure in a well;
(ii)to prevent the uncontrolled release of hazardous substances; and
(iii)to minimise the effects of damage to subsea equipment by drilling equipment;
(b)process safety;
(c)the containment of hazardous substances (not already addressed under subparagraph (a)(ii));
(d)the prevention of fire and explosion; and
(e)the protection of the environment from a major accident.
13. A description of how the duty holder has ensured, or will ensure, compliance with regulation 4(1) of the PFEER Regulations.N.I.
14. In respect of operations to be conducted from the installation, any information relating to the prevention of major accidents resulting in significant or serious damage to the environment relevant to other requirements under the relevant statutory provisions, obtained pursuant to Directive 2011/92/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment.N.I.
15. A description of the plant used and arrangements made for protecting persons on the installation from hazardous substances including toxic gas at all times.N.I.
16. A description of the measures taken or to be taken or the arrangements made or to be made for the protection of persons on the installation from hazards, including explosion, fire, heat, smoke, toxic gas or fumes in particular during any period while they may need to remain on the installation following an incident which is beyond immediate control and for enabling such persons to be evacuated or rescued from the installation where necessary, including provision for—N.I.
(a)temporary refuge;
(b)routes from locations where persons may be present to temporary refuge and for egress therefrom to points from where the installation may be evacuated;
(c)means of evacuation at those points; and
(d)facilities within temporary refuge for the monitoring and control of the incident and for organising evacuation.
17. The description of the internal emergency response arrangements.N.I.
18. The assessment produced pursuant to paragraph 2(j) of Schedule 2 to the Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation Convention) Regulations 1998.N.I.
19. Particulars of any combined operations which may involve the installation, including—N.I.
(a)a summary of the arrangements in place for co-ordinating the management systems of all duty holders involved in any such combined operation;
(b)a summary of the arrangements in place for a joint review of the safety aspects of any such combined operation by all duty holders involved, which shall include the identification of hazards with the potential to cause a major accident and the assessment of risks which may arise during any such combined operation;
(c)the plant likely to be used during any such combined operation; and
(d)the likely impact any such combined operation may have on the installations involved.
20. Any other relevant details.N.I.