Regulation 18(3)


Article 45(1) and (1A)

SCHEDULE 5Provisions of the Drainage Order applied for the purposes of environmental impact assessment of canal schemes

PART 1Provisions of the Drainage Order applied by Article 45(1)

1.  The provisions of the Drainage Order applied by Article 45(1) of this Order are as follows—

ProvisionSubject matter
Part 1Introductory
Article 12Restrictions on drainage schemes
Article 12ZADirection that Articles do not apply
Article 12AConsultations and determination of whether a drainage scheme has significant effects on the environment
Article 12BDrainage schemes likely to have significant effects on the environment
Article 12CPreparation of an environmental statement
Article12DPublicity for an environmental statement
Article 12EAssistance in the preparation of an environmental statement
Article 12FCharges
Article 12GDrainage schemes likely to have significant effects on the environment in another EEA State
Article 12HDetermination of whether a drainage scheme should be approved
Article 12IMonitoring
Article 13Confirmation of drainage schemes
Article 13APublic participation
Article 14The carrying out of drainage schemes
Article 15Provisions in regard to roads, bridges, culverts and embankments
Article 16Amendment of drainage schemes
Schedule 2AInformation for inclusion in environmental statement
Schedule 2BSelection criteria referred to in Article 4.3 of the Directive
Schedule 2CEnvironmental factors to be taken into account

PART 2Provisions of the Drainage Order applied by Article 45(1A)

2.  The provisions of the Drainage Order applied by Article 45(1A) of this Order are as follows—

ProvisionSubject matter
Part 1Introductory
Article 17Compensation for certain losses due to construction of drainage works
Article 18Compensation for injury to canals, fisheries, etc.
Article 19Matters to be regarded in assessing compensation
Article 20Disposal of surplus lands, etc
Article 31Noxious weeds
Article 35Provisions as to recovery of expenses
Article 36Miscellaneous offences
Article 38Limitation of liability for flooding, etc.
Article 39Protection for officers of the Department
Article 40Protection of fisheries
Article 40AProtection of water and sewage undertakers

PART 3Modifications of the provisions applied by Parts 1 and 2

3.  The provisions of the Drainage Order specified in Parts 1 and 2 of this Schedule shall, in their application for the purposes of Part III of this Order have effect with the following modifications—

(a)references therein to a watercourse shall be construed as references to a waterway;

(b)references therein to the Drainage Order shall be construed as references to Part III of this Order;

(c)references therein to—

(i)a scheme or drainage scheme carried out under the Drainage Order, or any part thereof;

(ii)drainage works; and

(iii)drainage purposes or purposes connected with drainage,

shall respectively be construed as references to—

(A)a canal scheme;

(B)works under any provision contained in Part III of this Order or any canal scheme; and

(C)the purposes of any such provision or scheme;

(d)references therein to sea defences and sea defence works shall be omitted;

(e)references to the Drainage Council shall be omitted;

(f)in Article 17—

(i)for paragraph (4) substitute—

(4) Every claim for compensation under this Article—

(a)shall be made in writing to the Department within 3 years from the date of completion of the works from which, or from the operation of which, the claim arises, and such details of the claim as the Department may require shall be furnished in writing to the Department within such a period as the Department may determine, and

(b)shall, in default of agreement, be heard and determined by the Lands Tribunal.;

(ii)in paragraph (5), the words “and may allow a sum in respect of the cost of the employment of any” shall be omitted; and

(g)in Article 38, after paragraph (2) add—

(3) Every claim duly made for compensation under this Article shall, in default of agreement, be heard and determined by the Lands Tribunal..