
PART 3Prevention of water pollution from the application of fertilisers

Fertilisation plans

16.—(1) Where the controller is required to prepare and retain a fertilisation plan, describing crop rotation and the planned application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisers to their agricultural area, it shall be made available on the holding every year.

(2) Subject to paragraph (3), a fertilisation plans shall include—

(a)the number of livestock on the holding;

(b)the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus from livestock manure produced on the holding calculated in accordance with Table 1 of Schedule 2;

(c)the crop rotation and area of each crop, including a sketch map indicating the location of the area of each crop;

(d)the holding’s foreseeable crop requirement for nitrogen and phosphorus in accordance with fertiliser technical standards;

(e)the quantity of each type of organic manure moved on or off the holding;

(f)the results of soil analysis relating to nitrogen and phosphorus soil status if available;

(g)the amount of nitrogen from nitrogen fertilisers applied in each area of the holding under the same cropping regime and soil type calculated in accordance with Tables 1 to 5 of Schedule 2;

(h)the amount of nitrogen from other organic manures, excluding livestock manures, applied in each area of the holding under the same cropping regime and soil type, calculated in accordance with regulation 9 and Schedule 2; and

(i)the amount of phosphorus from chemical phosphorus fertilisers and organic manure applied in each area of the holding under the same cropping regime and with the same soil phosphorus index calculated in accordance with Tables 1 and 2 of Schedule 2.

(3) Paragraph (2) is satisfied if a controller prepares and retains a fertilisation plan in accordance with the Department’s crop nutrient calculator(1) or such other format as the Department may specify.

(4) Where changes in agricultural practices necessitate changes in the fertilisation plan of a holding the controller shall revise the plan within seven days of such changes taking effect.


available from the Department’s website: www.daera-ni.gov.uk