

Regulations 3(2) and 13(2)

SCHEDULE 3Criteria as to nutrient management for phosphorus

Table 1

Phosphorus (as orthophosphate (P2O5)) limits for grassland on soils of different soil phosphorus index

Soil phosphorus index

The amount of phosphate applied for establishment shall be deducted from the first season’s grazing, silage or hay crop requirement for phosphorus.

Phosphorus recommendation (kg P2O5 ha-1)
At grass establishment120806550300
Silage cut(1)

Table 2a

Maximum phosphate fertiliser application limits (kg P2O5 per hectare) for extensively managed grassland (under 60 kg chemical N/ha/year or under 120kg manure N/ha/year loading).

Soil phosphorus index

Subject to Table 2b.

At grass establishment8065503000
Grazed grass (whole season)503520000
First cut silage(1)705540000

Table 2b

If silage or hay crops receive under 80 kg chemical fertiliser N/ha/year, the following maximum phosphate fertiliser application limits apply.

Soil phosphorus index
First cut silage10070554000

Table 3

Available phosphate (P2O5) values for fertilisers

Liquid or slurry manure typesDry matter content (%)Soil phosphorus index of 0 or 1, available phosphorus (kg P2O5/m3)(1)Soil phosphorus index of 2- or greater, available phosphorus (kg P2O5/m3)

For potatoes and vegetable crops, these availabilities should be used regardless of soil phosphorus index.


50% phosphate availability assumed at soil phosphorus index of 0 or 1 and for potatoes and vegetables.


Figures in bold are the most common values.


60% phosphate availability assumed at soil phosphorus index of 0 or 1 and for potatoes and vegetables.

Dirty water0.50.050.10
Cattle slurries(2)
Cattle slurry(3)20.30.6
Separated cattle slurries (liquid portion)(2)
Strainer box1.50.150.3
Weeping wall30.250.5
Mechanical separator40.61.2
Pig slurries(2)
Pig slurry(3)20.51.0
Separated pig slurry (liquid portion)30.81.6
Solid manure typesDry matter content (%)Soil phosphorus index of 0 or 1, available phosphate (kg P2O5/t)Soil phosphorus of 2- or greater, available phosphate (kg P2O5/t)
Poultry manures(4)
Broiler litter669.616
Layer manure307.813
Turkey litter601525
Duck manure253.35.5
Farmyard manures(4)
Cattle manures251.93.2
Sheep manures251.93.2
Goat manure251.72.8
Pig manure253.66.0
Horse manure303.05.0
Miscellaneous manures(2)
Spent mushroom compost351.73.4
Separated cattle slurry (solid portion)201.02.0
Separated pig slurry (solid portion)202.34.6
Other organic manuresDry matter content and total phosphorus content to be declared in accordance with the Waste Management Licencing Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003(1). 60% phosphate availability assumed at soil phosphorus index or 0 or 1(1), 100% phosphate availability assumed at soil phosphorus index greater than 1.
Chemical fertilisersDry matter content and total phosphorus content as certified by the producer. Phosphate availability assumed to be 100% for all soil phosphate indices.